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Posts posted by Solaryan

  1. I would rather not elaborate on the personality but if I were you I would avoid. That type of personality is trouble.


    Bro spy, I would have to agree with Johnny... Mejo tagilid naman yun na paiba iba sya ng sinasabi at disposition..Kung kaya mo pa, mejo distance yourself from that thera.. Take a step back, re-assess your situation and look at things with fresh perspective.


    Now, I know that is easier said than done, but if you can. Do it. Save yourself the trouble...

  2. hehe why hate something that at some point in your life, you also enjoyed or celebrated? Now, if you have never really enjoyed this day, then still, why hate it when you have the potential to also enjoy it with someone in the future?


    As for me, I never really celebrate it on the exact date, even when I was in a relationship.. I usually go for the day before or 2-3 days before. Para di kasabay ng lahat ng tao sa mga resto na kakainan or places na pupuntahan.. :)

  3. I might be mistaken, but in this kind of relationship...i think "Chemistry" is of utmost importance.


    Like Chemistry in the real world, some elements will combine with others to form compounds. Hydrogen for example when combined with Oxygen in just the right amount will form water (needed for life), and that same Hydrogen when combined with Chlorine will result to Hydrochloric/Muriatic acid (needed for...cleaning the toilet). ;) In the same way, we GMs interact with people in our lives, including our dear therapists, and each interaction produces different "chemical" combination so to speak...and sometimes, we combine with a few people to produce the legendary substance known as the "philosopher's stone" that can turn anything into gold...ahh.. that "elixir of life!" :)


    I would like to share a conversation between a thera and a GM that goes something like this...


    Therapist: Tinatanong nila kung mag jowa daw tayo.

    GM: Anong sagot mo?

    Therapist: Hindi ko jowa yun

    GM: Tama ka, alam mo naman na di tayo pwedeng mag-jowa. Hindi rin tayo pwedeng mag-asawa. Pero pwede naman tayong maging mag-masaya. OK lang ba sayo na maging mag-masaya na lang tayo?

    Therapist: Sige, ok lang.

    GM: Ayan ah, mag-"masaya" na tayo...yan na ang relasyon natin...hehehe


    I suppose that Therapist and that GM have good chemistry...eh? :wub:



    Iba talaga si Mister Yozo.. Gusto ko rin mag-masaya kami ni..... :wub:


    Hahaha :D Thursday pa lang pero I feel like its a Fri-YAY!

  4. Reminder:


    To have fun is good. And we certainly like it. So please keep it positive and polite. We may take action against any posts and / or topics that could cause unrest in the community beyond a civil and polite disagreement.


    Please respect members at all times. You may not make personal attacks and there will be no posts meant to offend or hurt any other member, in a manner which is offensive or inflammatory.



    P.S. 4 members have been suspended so this thread can keep going.



    This is noted ma'am. We understand and respect the rules of this online community. We like to be here and we love to share our thoughts/ideas about this topic. So for you to lift the "lock" status means a lot to us.


    Back to regular programming...



    Guys, I find my past few weeks of posting and just focusing on other things (and to be honest, other theras) cathartic. I think I am now ready to face my crush therapist and not be googly eyes and daydream about having a life with her.


    Thanks MTC! Hahah! :D



    More importantly, thanks to the other hot and pretty theras! ^_^

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