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Everything posted by socratesaristotle

  1. Good for you @lethalweapon03. Who cares what anyone thinks. If the both of you can find some happiness in this fucked up world then go for it. We all deserve some happiness in our lives, howsoever fleeting it may be.
  2. A tall, good looking guy will always get more girls than a short good looking guy... it's just how "selection" works. 'Tall' is identified as healthier and having better genes.... it's not me saying it, it's nature's way.
  3. Curves yes... at what point does a curve become a fucking circle (not aimed at you @ShyGuyy69). I feel it's funny that some women feel they are curvy and sexy but fuck me, that's just FAT... some men are into plump women and that's great but ladies who are FAT, stop calling yourselves curvy or sexy(rant of the day over). It's even worse that you hide behind a 100000 year old pic of when you used to be slim.
  4. Broke up with my gf and then went on a bender. KTVs, bars, nightclubs. After 4 months of relentless skirt chasing and fucking all sorts of chix, I realized that I am tired. Anyone ever feel that? Realization that you have fucked so much that you are tired of the same thing over and over? I guess this too shall pass..
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