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  1. Yep but I draw the line at married women. Any relationship status not equating to marriage is fair game. That’s how I got almost all my gfs. I never ask a girl if she has a bf. I could care less. If she shows interest that means she wants a change and who am I to say no.
  2. That’s a welcome. Not exit line.. lol
  3. I don’t do this for money/blue moon walker. I am only doing this since I need money for (fill in the blanks…) (my parents are hospitalized, my pet is sick, need money for surgery)… holy shit, own your profession and be good at it. Why the sob stories ( guess there is always a simp/sucker who believes it).
  4. Sleeping in your mother’s lap. Nothing more peaceful.
  5. Just leads to disaster. I’d stay away. As they say,” don’t shit where you eat “.
  6. Sucks that I have so much work and too little sleep!
  7. Met an intoxicated gentleman at a ktv and he was sad that the girl he liked and thought was only ‘his’, turned out to not be ‘his’. When will gentlemen learn that this is their job (the GRO) and money is what counts. Why get hung up over 1 girl? See through the lures and lies.. there is a fool born every minute!!
  8. Every time I feel that I am done with fucking around, I stop for a couple of days and then get pulled right back in. Not sure if this is to fill an emptiness in my life but when I think about it, all I can think of is, “ this girl is different”. Sometimes it’s good to step away and reflect but I just keep getting pulled in deeper. This is an addictive pursuit.
  9. Had to quit seeing my favorite service provider. She gained weight, let herself go.. It was great while it lasted. Need to move on to my next muse. If you are in this game, keeping yourself fit is a must but seems like too many promising talents let themselves go.
  10. Can’t wait to get back home. She said she was desperate to see me and try a ‘few’ things!!! bonus unlocked!!!
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