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Posts posted by Cap™

  1. SKL parang wala pa akong nakikitang therapist na Reese ang name. Di naman siguro konti ang pangalan na pwedeng pseudonym ng babae na based sa isang confectionery sweet diba? Pwede ding Skittles. Or Maruya hahahaha :lol:



  2. Thanks mate, is it an actual sports bar or a normal bar that happens to show the football? A sports bar shouldn't be too hard to find.


    it's the latter. Though I found that they're from Manchester given the United and City flags outside :lol:

  3. For me, I don't worry to much but I'll stop if needed to.


    well, I have to agree with living in the moment :) And again, it's still a case-to-case basis. I guess kung sobrang feeling ng thera na abusado naman na siya sa kabaitan mo, she'd tell you to stop. Again, avoiding generalizations, I feel that she isn't the abusive type that most here might've experienced kaya they're really sourgraping over the matter and calling these women names. So yeah, mad props to you sir :) We might not be as mature as you'd think about things. Blame it on age or whatever. Hahaha :lol:

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