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Mistress Mia

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Mistress Mia last won the day on November 11 2015

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  1. When someone already says "No" learn how to stop. You're being pushy, and then what? You'll insult someone just to cope up with your rejected ego. RESPECT man, respect!

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    2. Mistress Mia

      Mistress Mia

      If that's the case, so be it.


      So, if I may ask, for what is your account created for?


      It seems from your posts that you are full of bitterness and hatred, albeit, lest that I may be misunderstood, I may add, who are we to judge people.


      It is merely my conjecture and I am not being judgmental.

      I do not know your past experiences which have led you to have such a present outlook in life.


      Some piece of unsolicited advice, learn how to open...

    3. Mistress Mia

      Mistress Mia

      heart and your mind to the beautiful things in life. Life is harsh sometimes but not all the time.


      There are still some good things in this world --- like friendship, genuine friendship.

      Yes, money is important in life but we should not allow it to distort our morality and basic courtesy to our fellow human beings.


      You need not be amiable, just discharge the basic courtesy that a person deserves.

      Do not generalize -- there are still good people in this world...

    4. Mistress Mia

      Mistress Mia

      Lol. I am a manager of a Spakol. Try to make friends with someone else. Read and observe people's profile first before talking talking and talking.

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