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Mistress Mia

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Mistress Mia last won the day on November 11 2015

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  1. When someone already says "No" learn how to stop. You're being pushy, and then what? You'll insult someone just to cope up with your rejected ego. RESPECT man, respect!

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    2. Mistress Mia

      Mistress Mia

      Don't be too presumptuous!

      Of course, I know your a manager of Midas Touch and I do have some decent amount of knowledge on your profile.


      Do yourself a favor, STOP basing your beliefs and judgments on WRONG ASSUMPTIONS!

      You should be thankful to me.

      A lot of people say you're pathetic but I say to them to try and understand you.

    3. Mistress Mia

      Mistress Mia

      1. I wasn't rude when I told you that my account is not intended for friendship. From then and there, you should have respected that and stopped.


      2. If you knew something about me, then you shouldn't have threw me a lot of questions initially. But you did because you didn't read my profile before approaching me.


      3. If I made my assumptions, it is simply because men like you exist. So don't blame me for being straightforward and blunt.

    4. Mistress Mia

      Mistress Mia

      4. Telling you that I'm pathetic is not a problem as long as you are not pathetic yourself. Do you even know when to stop when you are asked to and the word respect?


      When someone tells you to make friends with someone else because they're not interested, do you really have to insult that person just to cope up with your ego from being rejected?


      Act like a gentleman and grown man. Bye!

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