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Posts posted by Mang.J

  1. Thing is, there are times when He does, and times when He doesn't. Apart from that, in the times when He does, he might also do it differently or give it to you in a different way. One thing for sure, is that He always has a plan and when He does move to answer your prayers...you better be prepared to wait - it can take time.


    More than those, be thankful for the stuff you don't ask for but are given to you.

  2. Based on my experience, bottom line is: Diesel for efficiency/practicality, gasoline for fun. Diesels are perfect for city/daily life since they're generally easier to drive, are more efficient, and they can haul loads. Bang for the buck, ika nga.


    There's diesel cars that can let you have fun (i.e. Accent diesel, Focus TDCi, BMW 1-series/3-series -d series or Audi diesels), but an equal, proper, gasoline-powered car is still hard to beat when it comes to fun, especially for sports cars.

  3. 1.) A toolbox with basic tire change tools, a spare tire, a jack, socket wrenches with ones for spark plugs, extra spark plugs, wrenches.

    2.) Copies of the keys and papers for the car(s).

    3.) A good support system of friends or a tow truck/wrecker on speed dial/phonebook.

    4.) Gas or the money to buy it.

    5.) A cool head, a lot of respect, smarts and common sense on the road.

  4. I always found it striking when a lady pulls her hair back into a ponytail and sports an A-game face, plus a half smile, when she wants something done. Definite yes if she's wearing a black tank top (never yet seen, though). My oh my.


    Apart from that, ladies who are not afraid to get down and dirty when needed, then tidying and getting back to being and looking smart in a heartbeat.

  5. It depends on how angry I feel. I'm a non-confrontational person. If it's frustration I just find myself cursing multiple times until it goes away. If I find myself pissed, I usually find a closed room, shout, breathe, curse again and then probably punch the object closest to me (or the object of my frustration if it's not a person) as many times until the anger boils down. I'll usually still have some anger or frustration left, as I'll start talking and responding in a matter-of-fact mode, and a deadpan look, but at least I can make conscious decisions that think I can control na. If I can't yet, I will avoid all human and animal contact until I feel like I can.


    I don't think I have been really, really mad, yet, I just somehow always choose to find a way to add another bar to my patience afterwards. I don't think I'll want to reach that point even if it hurts.

  6. Quite a bit by the end of the day...saw a movie I always wanted to watch, but then afterwards, ran right into an old friend from high school. She was waiting for her sundo, but upon us recognizing each other she greeted me then pulled me right into the nearest 711 (gutom na pala kakaantay) and thus had dinner. Really fun catching up, and my oh my has she grown.


    I guess I'll have a real nice smile for a good while.

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