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Posts posted by Mang.J

  1. If I may intrude, I'm pretty sure the "in love" thing is possible, kaya lang we have to understand that by nature of their job, a therapist is subject to many GMs on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis. In the interests of providing the services that would make said GMs keep coming back, or to get more GMs to avail of their services, a therapist would have to break down the usual barriers that prevent most people from becoming as open as they need to be for the first meeting with new GMs.


    Let's look at it this way, I'm sure we all know how hard it is to place our trust in opening up to new people, especially since we don't know what kind of people we meet everyday. Imagine our therapists, who have to break down that initial barrier to the best and the worst of society as soon as they enter the cubicle/room. Naturally, come to the especial time, where most ladies would not think twice to decline giving that on the first meeting, they have to, again to the best and worst of society.


    And going back, the "in love" thing is possible, but the only thing is that our therapists by experience would most probably have a changed, or different idea of what they consider to be love. I mean, if you're to show love on a daily basis as a way of life, the normal notion of love most probably doesn't fit in. Their profession unfortunately usually bars them from enjoying the acceptance of society, so they can't exactly be with us the way a non-therapist can (especially when it comes to meeting families and other very social situations, as mentioned earlier). To that end, if the "in love" thing would work, it'll be by their rules, by their standards, and by their situation. Ultimately, it's also because of that that it's very, very hard for this to happen successfully, but I don't think it's impossible.


    Again, best to stay away, but if you do fall in, make sure you're one of the people that helps them make it through.


    Just my 93 centavos. Carry on.

  2. Haven't Met You Yet

    Michael Buble

    I'm not surprised
    Not everything lasts
    I've broken my heart so many times,
    I stopped keepin' track.
    Talk myself in
    I talk myself out
    I get all worked up
    Then I let myself down.

    I tried so very hard not to lose it
    I came up with a million excuses
    I thought, I thought of every possibility...

    And I know someday that it'll all turn out
    You'll make me work so we can work to work it out
    And I promise you kid, that I'll give so much more than I get
    I just haven't met you yet

    I might have to wait
    I'll never give up
    I guess it's half timing
    And the other half's luck
    Wherever you are
    Whenever it's right
    You'll come out of nowhere and into my life

    And I know that we can be so amazing
    And baby your love is gonna change me
    And now I can see every possibility...

    But somehow I know that it'll all turn out
    And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out
    And I promise you kid, I'll give so much more than I get
    I just haven't met you yet

    They say all's fair
    In love and war
    But I won't need to fight it
    We'll get it right
    And we'll be united

    And I know that we can be so amazing
    And being in your life is gonna change me
    And now I can see every single possibility

    And someday I know it'll all turn out
    And I'll work, to work it out
    Promise you kid, I'll give more than I get
    Than I get, than I get, than I get

    Oh you know it will all turn out
    And you'll make me work, so we can work, to work it out
    And I promise you kid, to give so much more than I get
    Yeah I just haven't met you yet

    I just haven't met you yet
    Oh promise you kid
    To give so much more than I get

    I said love, love, love, love, love, love, love
    I just haven't met you yet
    Love, love, love, love, love, love
    I just haven't met you yet

  3. Happiest sad song I know. Makes me feel bad when I feel good, gives me hope somehow whenever I feel bad. It's the verses that strike me the most.



    by Cartel


    Its 2:45, the baby takes his first breath
    The mother never knew he only had a few left
    And the father gets a call in the middle of the night
    His breath gets short and his chest gets tight

    But hes sixteen and hes driving too fast
    Takes a turn to the left, it would be his last
    Nobody knows what happens if he turns to the right
    Nobody in the car wouldve died that night

    But hes thirty-two and invincible
    The cancer he had it was visceral
    He never saw it coming, thought he had his whole life
    Sick in the morning and he died in the night

    Were all so, were on the run
    But we're aware, oh
    Oh, were wasted, no, no, no
    Were all wasted
    Were wasted, no, no
    Were all wasted

    He's seven years old, got his bat in his hand
    Hes looking for his father and he doesnt understand
    'Cause dads too busy, got some deals on the way
    His son sits alone as the children play

    And hes eighteen he couldnt wait to move out
    His parents wonder what all the rush is about
    They never bothered with his dreams, only thinking of theirs
    Wonders why he doesnt call and why he doesnt care

    But hes thirty-two and invincible
    With everything he is based on principle
    He never had a truly happy moment in his life
    He didnt want the kids and he didnt want his wife

    Were wasted, no, no, no
    Were all wasted
    Were wasted, no, no
    Were all wasted

    Were wasted
    Were all wasted
    Were all wasted, no, no

    Were all wasted

    Twenty-three now, got his life in his hands
    Hes looking all around and he doesnt understand
    'Cause lifes too busy, things get in the way
    We all feel alone every single day

    And at eighteen, couldnt wait to move out
    Its been five years and now Im starting to doubt
    Whether all my dreams are just aimless stares
    Looking up to some place that isnt there

    When Im thirty-two will I be miserable?
    With everything around based on principle?
    Will I have a clue? Oh, wouldnt it be nice
    To never be alone in this wasted life?

    Were wasted, no, no, no
    Were all wasted
    Were wasted, no, no
    Were all wasted

    Were wasted
    Were all wasted
    Were all wasted, no, no
    Were all wasted

    Were wasted
    Were wasted
    Were wasted, no, no
    All wasted

  4. I'm sorry if someone else already had the same idea and posted it before, but if they exchange numbers, I'll do everything I have in my inconspicuous power to acquire it, and tell the guy:



    I don't know who you are, but I think I know what you want. If you have something against me, I can tell you that I don't think I have any with you.


    But what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my girlfriend go now that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you..


    ...and I will k*ll you.



    Just kidding. Actually, I'll focus on strengthening my relationship with my lady (if ever). The guy can make ligaw all he wants, and so long as they're having the right kind of fun, I'm willing to turn a blind eye to it since I'll have full trust in my partner and I also want her to interact with other people other than me (again, so long as it's the right kind). After all, external forces can unleash all the force they have in the world, but they will not wreck a building with strong and well-built foundations.


    May selos pa rin, of course, and I'll keep observing, but I know I'll get my satisfaction when I see the guy broken, writhing and pleading for consideration pag binasted na siya ng girl ko. Well, probably not the broken, writhing and pleading part, but I think you get my drift.


    Cheers. B)

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