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Sitti of TVS

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Status Updates posted by Sitti of TVS

  1. Can someone cheer me up?? All of a sudden feels like dying...! Wtf!

    1. Ladykiller09


      Does sadness feels you that bad... making you dying?


    2. Alex_Corvis


      anong ka-emohan na naman to?

    3. sweeney_todd


      your happiness does not depend on others.

  2. can someone hold me and keep me from falling apart..?

    1. you101


      dalhin kita ng duct tape

    2. Sitti of TVS

      Sitti of TVS

      Awwww.. ur still so sweet bwisit kah.. hihihihi

    3. Takeshi Kovac

      Takeshi Kovac

      My arms are free at the moment :)

  3. can someone treat me the way he does.. ?can someone touch me like he does..? f someone can, im gonna give all that i can..all that i have.. damn.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sitti of TVS

      Sitti of TVS

      I dunno.. i dunno.. i dont know..

    3. Takeshi Kovac

      Takeshi Kovac

      Sorry to say this, but what your asking is not fair to the "new" guy. Each individual deserves to be loved for who they are, and not be expected to be like anyone else.

    4. Sitti of TVS
  4. cant breathe...........

  5. cant decide if i need a hug, an xl coffee, 8 shots of tequila, or two weeks of sleep.

    1. baMbee🐝


      You need a hug at the least

    2. joeturts


      No need to drink hard liquor ... just accept things as it is ... be brave.. go with your friends that are true to you...

    3. masterdao


      A Hug gives you soothing Comfort while too much caffeine makes your heart palpitates, tequila will bring massive headache, while too long sleeps makes you prone to diabetes and heart disease.. hehehehehe... =)

  6. Cant sleep.. Hyper mode

  7. Capslock mu para INTENSE.

  8. Change strings, bili capo and tuner.. Its been a long time... Now playing 12:51 :) on my guitar..

  9. channing tatum is grrrrrrrrr....

  10. Chasing relentlessly,

  11. Coming to terms With stitches and burns and Learning to fly again..

  12. coz i stop believing in fairy tales..

  13. Coz it will always be you :) only you :)

  14. coz now im learning to play this game.. so baby game on.. ! :)

  15. craving for something sweet :* ugh...

  16. cuddLES ....:) naku huma-hyper nnmn aqu.. haha.. :*

  17. cupidity. yehey! new book!!!!!!

  18. currently in my fantasy world ♥♥♥

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