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Sitti of TVS

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Status Updates posted by Sitti of TVS

  1. Dont let ur happiness depend on something u may lose >.<

    1. sweeney_todd


      agree, create your own happiness

  2. Those who have been wounded deeply, are also those who are capable of loving greatly..

    1. Christian.Grey


      With love, you should go ahead and take the risk of getting hurt because love is an amazing feeling.


  3. When ur dreaming with a broken heart, the waking up is the hardest part.

    1. Takeshi Kovac

      Takeshi Kovac

      Agree. How have you been?

  4. Nothing lasts 4ever,so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off,avoid the bullshit, take chances abd never have regrets because at one point evrything u did was exactly wat u wanted.. :)

    1. Christian.Grey


      Live life to the fullest.

  5. Coz it will always be you :) only you :)

  6. Auqu bumangon.......Sleeeeeeeeeeepyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy >.< can someone carry me home? Hahahaha

    1. Mr.Harmless


      Hatid na kita. :)

  7. .. Again.. Dying...

    1. xtianGREY


      come here, let me take care of you

  8. People change. Feelings change. It doesnt mean that the love once shared wasnt true and real. It simply just means that sometimes when we grow. They grow apart.

    1. Christian.Grey


      Part of growing up is realizing you learn to love so many people. It's about forming those relationships and finding what will last forever.


  9. Alone nnmn later >.<

  10. A lion with a lamb's heart :)

  11. Life is a balance of holding on and letting go ..

    1. Christian.Grey


      Hold on baby hold on.... Let it go let it go.... padaan lang. :)

  12. Dont bother reserving a space in ur heart for people who do not want to stay.

  13. we're only getting nowhere baby...

    1. kangkarot


      i am here baby!


  14. one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense that once hate is gone.. they will be forced to deal with pain.

    1. Sitti of TVS

      Sitti of TVS

      I hate u ihate u ihate u isang balde.....!!!!

  15. give your heart a break.

    1. jelly bean

      jelly bean

      Yeah, I'm suppose to do that

  16. the wounds run deep. the pain is unbearable.

  17. hi baby.. :*

    1. Alex_Corvis


      mwuah! (ako ba yun?) kalbo na ako like a baby

  18. Auqu nah ng orange Juice.

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