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Posts posted by Roubaix

  1. Templar,


    My firm can handle her case. If not, I may refer her to some of my batchmates.


    BTW, did you collect those kisses from Fire? She promised but never delivered.


  2. The next preceding post was edited by mistake. Below is the actual text of my reply.




    Flash is more campy than Highlander. But for entertainment, Flash is much better to watch all over again. It has all the best lines. Who can forget "Flash, I love you, but we only have 14 hours to save the Earth!" Now give me a line from Highlander than can beat that sweetness.


    I already have the DVD for Highlander but I can't seem to find one for Flash Gordon. :angry:

  3. No movie will be able to beat Flash Gordon starring Sam Jones in terms of music. This score of this movie (not soundtrack) was made by Queen! One of the greatest rock bands in history actually wrote the music for the whole movie, not just some goody-goody song for the credits.



    The first of many posts in this thread.....




    correct me if im wrong, but didnt queen also scored the movie highlander starring christopher lambert and sean connery? if so, the score and the movie itself is much better than flash gordon - in my opinion. :)


    as for seven samurai, alot of memorable scenes from that movie but yes, i agree that the death of kikuchiyo is the probably the most moving. superb performance by the cast, most notably toshiro mifune, giving life to such a complex character. one of my favorite scenes from that movie was when kambei spoke this line to his lieutenant, shichiroji, at the end of the movie:

    kambei: again we are defeated, the winner are those farmers, not us


    btw, anyone seen hero yet?

  4. Mga attorney, greetings !


    1. Are all rape charges alleged by women 18 yr & over, non bailable ? or may exception ?


    All rape cases (female) have the minimum punishment of reclusion perpetua (40 years). That means bail is not a right. But technically, its still bailable. But unlike other crimes with a lesser penalty, there must be a bail hearing. The only exception to being lower than reclusion perpetua is when rape is done without intercourse like inserting anything in the mouth or anal orifice, hence men can be victims of rape. (that is true!)


    2. What are the legal precautions to take, when having consenting sex w/women 18 & over, para hindi nila baliktarin and knock you over with an allegation of rape afterward?


    If the women is 18 or over, make sure that it is consensual. A date preceding would justify consent. But remember, a no is a no. To be precise, make sure the ?NO? is before insertion (for the ladies out there).


    3. Puede ba ang signed pre-sex statement, ala pre-nuptial, attesting to their free will and volition to have sex ?


    If that were the case, I can sue every lousy MP or escort girl who gave me a lousy popoy. Just think about it, if one violated the pre-sex agreement, can you go to court and sue?


    4. Marami sana ang ma enlighten nito, thank you in advance .


    Just remember, if you hear the word ?NO?, listen and stop. It?s not worth the time in jail. This part is true, YOU WILL GET RAPED IN JAIL! Your butt is open season. Your new S.O. will belong to the Sigue Sigue Sputnik gang.


    If you get caught, you will spend thousand if not millions in legal fees or bribe money. Its better to spend 5K on a high class escort girl rather than a night in ?your ass is mine? city jail.




  5. the broker,


    You a law student at Perpetual? If so, that is a good school right now with very good average passing rates for the bar exam. They have the highest paid professors daw.


    Justice Isagani Cruz was a good justice in the Supreme Court. His decisions were easy to read and always straight to the point. if he teaches that way, then consider yourself lucky.



  6. Fire,


    If you need a Notary, I can be the one for the affidavit of loss. If you still have office in the Ortigas Center, you can go to my office with your affidavit of loss para I will put my seal.


    BTW, if I do this, do I get more kisses than templar?



  7. From what you said, it doesn't not look like estafa. Estafa requires kaliwaan. Meaning, from the very beginning, you were out to defraud the victim, in this case, the phone company.


    If you had a good paying history prior to "giving" your sim, then you will not probably be sued criminally for estafa. That rarely happens naman.


    But against your relative, you may have a cause of action against him. Since you have the bills and if you can prove that you were out of the country during the time he made those calls, you can ask him to pay for those bills. It would be unfair for you to pay for his calls. But it is not worth filing an actual case. Just use his conscience if he has one. Even if you pay the bill yourself, you can still run after him for paying his debt.


    As to the phone company, they only know you as the user. You can't make your relative as an excuse in not paying the phone bills. I don't want to say pay it first, but if you do, you will look good with the phone company. I am not sure about this but I think the phone companies share info on deliquent users. It is good to have a good credit history. Bad bill payments could haunt you in the future.





    oic... akala ko estafa basta P10T pataas ang amount...


    salamat sa mga tulong niyo... galing talaga ng MTC! :D


    isa pa...


    mababa lang yung plan ko noon e... wala pa yata P500/mo.


    di ba dapat hindi umabot ng libo-libo yung bill at ika-cut nila kung masyado ng malaki?


    sobrang tagal na nun kaya di ko masyado matandaan e... pero P2500 yata yung max at dapat maputol kapag nag-exceed


    tapos ang hindi nabayaran daw ng relative ko e mga between 5 and 8K... di na dapat umabot dun di ba? dapat na-cut na?


    pero 5 digits na yung sinisingil....


    ano yun, may interest na???


    worst case na hindi mabayaran, ano ang magiging kaso ko dito??? :cry:



    With your outstanding bill with the phone company, there can never be estafa.


    On the deal with your relative, since you did not inform the phone company that you gave away your sim, as far as they are concerned, you have been using that number.


    The worst they can do is sue for collection. They might first refer your debt to a collection agency. If still no response, you will receive a demand letter from a law firm representing the collection agency or phone company (which I doubt).


    As far as the collection case is concerned, your generosity to your relative is not a solid defense. It is like an alibi which is the weakest form of defense. Better shoot that relative of yours in the foot. (Just kidding).


    On a business note, the phone companies are making so much money now, they might be too busy to sue you.



  8. doc ang credit limit ko sa land line eh 3T....

    before they would call us and even harass us when lumalagpas kami sa limit mga (8T)......

    so i asked them to notify me whenever lalagpas na and that they may block the NDD IDD feature kung lagpas na nga.....


    wala namang naging problema after a few months.....


    this month umabot ng (7T)......

    wala naman akong/kaming natanggap na notification......


    ang notifying the client is one of their SOPs na hindi ko natanggap....


    tama ba na tanggapin ko lang yung sorry ng operator o may karapatan akong magreklamo....


    mga boss i'm due to pay this 24th.

    appreciate an answer before that.....



    your facts are a bit incomplete. But from you have said, you can't really demand an apology for them not calling you. If you demand such, they can always claim that your prior instruction was received without authority or the person who received it has moved on.


    But I know that you have a credit limit and if they let you pass that, its there fault for allowing your amount to pass the limit. If you use that angle, you might have a "moral" edge to demand they monitor your account as they should.


    But if you have been a long time subscriber and your average monthly bills are way above your credit limit, ask them to raise it or else you will move to the other phone company.


    Hope that helps.



  9. factor ba kung medyo matagal na din yung utang?


    actually ganito kasi nangyari:


    late 1999 or early 2000 e binenta ko yung cell phone ko kasama yung sim, w/c is a post-paid account. malapit na flight ko palabas ng pinas nung time na yon kaya di ko naipalipat ng name yung account. pagbalik ko, di rin kami agad nagkita nung binentahan ko. and since relative naman di ko agad inasikaso.


    ang nangyari e nag-switch siya sa pre-paid but before doing so e ginamit na niya yung post-paid. nung una e binabayaran pa niya yun kaso medyo napalaki yata yung babayaran niya kaya nag-switch siya to prepaid. problema e nasa pangalan ko pa.


    ano ba ang elements para maging estafa?


    ang dapat ko na lang bang gawin e pagbayarin ko yung relative ko dun sa service provider?

    From what you said, it doesn't not look like estafa. Estafa requires kaliwaan. Meaning, from the very beginning, you were out to defraud the victim, in this case, the phone company.


    If you had a good paying history prior to "giving" your sim, then you will not probably be sued criminally for estafa. That rarely happens naman.


    But against your relative, you may have a cause of action against him. Since you have the bills and if you can prove that you were out of the country during the time he made those calls, you can ask him to pay for those bills. It would be unfair for you to pay for his calls. But it is not worth filing an actual case. Just use his conscience if he has one. Even if you pay the bill yourself, you can still run after him for paying his debt.


    As to the phone company, they only know you as the user. You can't make your relative as an excuse in not paying the phone bills. I don't want to say pay it first, but if you do, you will look good with the phone company. I am not sure about this but I think the phone companies share info on deliquent users. It is good to have a good credit history. Bad bill payments could haunt you in the future.





  10. tanong lang po...


    may Philippine laws ba regarding unpaid phone bills? land line or cellular line?


    may nagsabi kasi sa akin na wala daw habol mga kumpanya dito kasi wala pa naman daw laws.



    In any country, if you don't pay your bills, you will be sued based on the contract. Anyway, when you signed up for the post paid account, you signed an agreement.


    Lord Butsoy is right, if there are elements of estafa, you will be charged criminally pa, although it is easier to defend. ;)

  11. the dead guy was from the laguna pnp. but the accident happened in alabang or muntinlupa. sum1 frm laguna pnp keeps on bugging my bes' mum to stay in muntinlupa jail for interrogation. eh lam na ngang na hospitalize ang tao coz of the accident...

    Please give me the names of the laguna PNP that is harassing you. I have a good family friend uncle at the NAPOLCOM. Maybe we can report him.


    As to the being brought to the jail, you can never be brought to a police station for interrogation. Unless, they announce that there is an arrest warrant, your mom can't be forced to go to a police station.


    Since the alleged crime has passed, your mom has to be subject to preliminary investigation. Your mom can not be validly arrested without a warrant.


    I hope that helps.





  12. aian_27,


    Was the car moving as the guy fell dead? Was there a police report or any other document evidencing the accident?


    On the outset, your mom will be charged with reckless imprudence. If the death of the man can be attributable to your mom's driving, then it is a major crime.


    Until I know more, that is all I can say.

    the guy suddenly fell on the car of bes' mum. yup the car was movin, pro nde nmn mabilis. there was a police report already and weird is tiga laguna pnp ang epal instead na ang mag handle is from alabang or muntinlupa pnp. weird huh. i think the dead man was a cop (with a bad reputation)

    If the car fell on the side of the car as it was moving, you may able to prove it was not fault of your mom.


    But if the Laguna police did the report instead of the alabang police, that report may be invalidated due to fact it was made without jurisdiction.


    Just exactly what kind of threats are you getting?

  13. i plan to go out with this girl.. 16 yrs old pa lang, malapit ng mag 17, 1st yr college (pero mukang 20 yrs old na sya, matangkad eh atsaka developed na ang katawan).. niyayaya akong lumabas, mukang palaban eh.. im 27 na.


    question is.. di kaya ako makasuhan ng corruption of minor, baka malaman ng magulang nya mayari ako, medyo mayaman eh.. :rolleyes:

    As long as there is no fornication, you will be ok. Sex with a minor (below 18) is still a crime even if there is consent.


    Just to remind you, statutory rape is for 12 years and below. 9 and below gets you the death penalty.

  14. aian_27,


    Was the car moving as the guy fell dead? Was there a police report or any other document evidencing the accident?


    On the outset, your mom will be charged with reckless imprudence. If the death of the man can be attributable to your mom's driving, then it is a major crime.


    Until I know more, that is all I can say.

  15. "May custody rights ba ang unwed father sa anak nya specially kung wlang problema sa mother's character that can be use to discredit her of custody except thats shes using the kid as a weapon."


    As long as the father is recognized in the birth certificate, then a biological father has visitation rights at the least. For custody, there has to be a full blown hearing at the Family Courts in the local RTC. But according to Art. 213 of the Family Code, no child under 7 shall be separated from the mother unless the court finds compelling reasons to order otherwise.

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