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Posts posted by elbaron1914

  1. is there a gadget like this:


    it's a camera, but the lens is thin and long.. it is used to probe the insides for example of a wall by passing the lens through a small hole.. the lens is bendable with good resolution.. i see this in the movies, but does it exist? is it available here in the philippines? where?

  2. you have to bypass your firewall to do that pare since dun naka-block yun.

    meron way pa din pero di ko ituturo dito. the firewall is there for a reason, and its the company's right to block anything na sa tingin nila di kelangan ng employees.


    yup.. i know the firewall thing.. what about friendster? nakablock din sa amin yun, is there a way to

    bypass the firewall? we have used the guardster, pero nahuli na ng mis namin yun and they blocked it also

  3. hello... query lang... we have a YM sa office, the problem is our mis blocked the viewing of cams.. is there a way for me to view cam? thanks. pm me po kung meron paraan

  4. i think there are motels here in manila, kaya lang we cannot pinpoint who among them. besides, wala naman motel aamin dyan kasi di nawalan sila customer. the proof na meron is in vcds and yung mga kumakalat sa internet na mga boso clip sa motel...


    i hope meron tyo kasama dito sa mtc who could provide accurate info..

  5. this diet program works for me..


    max. of 2 cups of rice a day..

    skip breakfast..

    moderate on meat.. lean meat that is...

    heavy on fish..


    if tipong you're not hitting your target meals, you have to burn those

    extra load.. so dapat parati may exercise..


    to maintain fit and a good body, exercise and diet works hand on hand

  6. in this same cold facility, our section in the plant is notorious for ghost appearances..

    there were only 5 personnel for our section including me. i was new then, i tried to ignore it.


    all of my buddies went for lunch and i was going to the production area is a long, lonely hallway...


    while was walking, i heard a psssst sound twice! i looked back, there was no one around, just me.

    i realized it was the ghost and felt the chill around my body.. i continued to walk, and it happened

    again, this time louder..


    i looked back again, there was none.. then just ran...


    this same thing happened the following day and that was the last....


    i think ghosts sometimes are playful.. when you're new in your workplace, it's their way of

    telling you that they're therE...

  7. i was working in this cold facility.. in such places, employees are obliged to wear helmet because

    of the cold condition. we also wear boots due to the same reason.


    there was this one time i put on my helmet first, then, when i was to wear my boots, there was a

    double - tap on my helmet. i immediately looked up and checked if i was hitting something.. there was none..


    so i went back in putting my boots on but then again, there was this double tap.. i felt the chill, and realized it was a ghost! and so i ran as fast as i could towards the production area until i see people...

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