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Posts posted by psa10

  1. im taking creatinine tablets and aminos now.

    plus my regular daily supply of multivitamins and vitamin c.



    Sir, would be better if you take both in powdered form. Mas mabilis ma-assimilate ng katawan mo. Imagine, how many tabs of creatine you need to take to total 10grams as opposed to iinumin mo lang, orange juice-flavored pa. Plus amino acids are not timed-release, mas okay whey powder.

  2. 4 of caps weiders to be exact; i heard creatine + the ECA stack is not advisable, but this is just from casual talk you hear in the lifting room, nothing founded on actual research


    ^^ by noticable i mean visible changes; may mini-flabs pa rin ako heheh, but strangely enuff I'm down to 142 from 155..i hope it wasnt some of the mass i've been working on in the past 2 years lost in the process though


    so, going back to the creatine + ECA question, does anyone here know?



    Can't help you with ECA, bro. Not too familiar with it, though I've read some articles on that. Don't plan to go that far anyway. Kung di talaga matanggal yung mga taba sa singit, guess I'll just have to live with them. If my stomach's not gonna get smaller, myt as well grow my chest bigger to compensate.

  3. diet indeed. i shouldve mentioned the other factors, like i go to the gym thrice a week, i eat very little fastfood, i limit my carbo intake to no more than the amount you get with 2 cups of rice/day, then there's the multivitamin factor, etc; i take it by the directions on the label, but still, i never see any noticable changes; i'm giving myself 6 more weeks though, and then i'm switching over to hydroxycut (i'm on xenadrine right now); pag ala pa din, HOT ROX heheh.


    also, lately i've been taking creatine on workout days; would anyone know if this is a bad thing?



    Would you believ I go to the gym 6x a week. My initial goal was to loose the fats/flabs that I had. After 2-3 months, my goal was to be in tip-top shape. Nowadays, I wanna grow freakin huge. Unfortunately, that's not happenin ryt now. I'm 5'8" and only weigh 160 lbs.


    Hot Rox, thinkin of usin that kaso mahal eh. Its the most expensive fat burner out there, I think.


    Creatine, that doesn't help you loose weight. Its more or less a mass builder rin. Lets your muscle recuperate faster and grow bigger. I'm not sure if its going to help burn fats and turn them to mass... Some of the side effects include bloating though. Kaso mukhang wa-epek sa akin. Using CellTech for 2 weeks, no noticeable difference, i'll giv it some more tym.

  4. guys newbie here:

    before hydroxycut has ephedra as on of it's ingredients but today's hydroxycut there is non. where can i acquire ephedra as a tablet form, and not as a tea form  where you have to prep it.? thanks :cool:



    Bro, mahirap yata yang hinahanap mo. Ephedra is already a banned substance in the US, not sure here pero siguro kasama na rin sa dangerous drugs natin. I doubt if any health stores keep old stocks Xenadrine RFA-1. Try mo mga shops in Shopesville if suki mo, maybe the sales lady can try and get you some under the table, of course.

  5. :cool:


    DUDE, new pa lang ako dito

    i weight 130 lbs and stand at 5'8"

    nasa slim side ako


    i want to gain weight,

    ano maganda supplement

    whey protein or mega mass ?

    ano payo nyo mga dude


    : :mtc:



    I would suggest Prolan En-Large 2. So far, it has one of the best feedback. If I'm not mistaken, it has around 55 grams of protein per serving and tons of calories. Bibigat ka ng kundi oras nyan. Of course, workout is a must to induce additional growth.

  6. Cell Tech and Hydroxy pa rin ako... don't want to add Nitrotech yet. Anyone taking the complete MuscleTech stack?



    Though I'm taking Celltech and hydroxy, I have been noticing lately that Muscletech is all hype. Their products are much much more expensive compared with their competitors. With regard to contents, almost same lang, you can even find tohers which are better. For Nitrotech, you can substitute it for any whey protein drink out in the market. If you will think about it, its just really the pretein content that matters, how many grams of protein per serving. If you do not find another brand that has more contents, then at least you will be able to find another brand that is cheaper. Just use additional servings if necessary to acheive your daily protein intake (1 gram of protein per body weight in lbs). The problem with Nitro is that they are twice as expensive compared with ON or Designer. And to think that each one claims to be the best...



    Then again, pag hiyang ka, who am I to argue. Just don't want to see someone being fooled by a brand that is all hype.


    When I'm done with my tube of Celltech, I'm gonna switch over to Twin Labs. Much cheaper but same contents lang, creatine monohydrate. Am also thinking of switching to CEE if we have it here.

  7. Quick question: How do you properly take xenadrine/hydroxycut? Sabi sa label 1 hour before your pre-workout meal, and I did that; so far in the 2 weeks I've been on it I've gone from 155 to 142 (I'm not exactly a fatass, just decided to give X. a try to help trim off the midsection and pectoral area). I didn't notice any visible changes at all (I didn't actually feel it working, 'cept for the unusual energy levels in the morning due to the caffeine surge, until the other day when I had myself weighed by the nurse of my annual checkup). But that's for another day's discussion.


    The question really is how do you properly take Xenadrine/Hydrox/any fat burner for that matter, or does it differ from one brand to another?



    Though there are no doumented side effects, I would suggest you take these mildly. I usually take them on an empty stomach before breakfast. 2 cap is enough for me. Baka sobra na ang pag palpitate ko if I take three, though it has been recommended. Please do not take it in the late afternoon or early evening. You will be so hyper that you will have a hard time sleeping/resting.


    Tried hydroxy for 2 weeks, not much trimming. Guess, it all on the diet.

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