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Status Replies posted by juicylici0us_is_back

  1. Malas fully booked mga pang staycation ahaha. Pwedeng makistaycation n lng? Haha

  2. Malas fully booked mga pang staycation ahaha. Pwedeng makistaycation n lng? Haha

  3. Apparently, I want someone to lick my pussy (just lick) haha

  4. Ngayon ko lang nalaman na pwede pala magpalit ng display name. hahaha! Goodbye PimpGangster

  5. Treasure! That is what you are! Ayan, may LSS ka na!

  6. A fighter has a better chance of surviving.

  7. Wow. Has it really been nearly 7 years? Wow.

  8. Don't assume that being happy is better than all the emotional tones a person could be.

  9. When I rue the loss of opportunity, you better be ready for I will run to you.

  10. When I rue the loss of opportunity, you better be ready for I will run to you.

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