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yummy_yumi last won the day on April 8 2021

yummy_yumi had the most liked content!

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Grand Master

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About Me

I'm a frequent traveler, but not in the spontaneous sort of way. I love to plan my trips and go out on mini-adventures once I feel comfortable there. You can say I'm an organized free spirit. I love to try out new food, immerse myself in the beautiful culture of other places, and meet locals. it's been my dream to see the world. When I'm not working, you can find me cooking or enjoying some time at home enjoy watching movies. I've always had an incredible passion for living life to its fullest. A hopeless romantic and always strive to believe in the good within everyone. Straightforward about my needs, and honest when I feel hurt. 

Yeah!🤘🏻 That's me😉♥️

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