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Status Updates posted by clandestinecuddles

  1. Ang MTC ay parang buffet. Maraming choices pero may isa kang binabalikbalikan!

    1. zeppyboy


      hahaha. tama ka jan. :))

  2. Love it when hubby yells COME HERE and SIT...........................ON MY FACE!!! :)

  3. As of now MERALCO BILL na lang ang nagpapatirik sa mata ko!!!

    1. clandestinecuddles


      tech_buff ano nagpapatirik sa mata mo haha

  4. As of now only EL NINO has the power to undress me. Because when i feel him I take my clothes off!!!

    1. BOSS TRIP


      wait for it.....


  5. Para kang CREDIT CARD BILL .......you give me sleepless nights!!!! I cant sleep because of you!

  6. I must be really HOT...... kasi binitawan mo ako!!

  7. Question??? How do you post an answer to a comment here? I cant find a reply button :(

  8. Yeah. Just joined a few weeks ago.

  9. Hi friends. I just started a topic entitled WHO/WHAT MADE YOU SMILE TODAY and I would appreciate it if you post a reply para naman dumami ang posts. haha. Thanks

  10. @gov. If I tell you it would no longer be a secret.:)

  11. Miggz I'd rather keep the secret to myself haha.

  12. Women are smarter than men because men takes two heads to be able to outsmart us!!

  13. OkulasO I dont know but I always see things that Im not supposed to see..Instant voyeur ako haha.

  14. loveguru, thanks. if there are accident prone people i may be a "voyeur prone person" :)

  15. Good looking rich guys who have a body to die for and are amazingly good in bed are like signature bags, I cannot have them or they are way out of my budget. Hanggang wishful thinking lang..

  16. A BOLD FOUR LETTER word and TWO NUMBERS give me a huge TURN ON...................S A L E and 50% off

  17. @pussy kisser yeah secret hugs and cuddles thats my handle:)

  18. @caloy168 haha good day maybe its you who cant send messages.

  19. @caloy168 just checked but its you who can't receive new messages tnx

  20. @jedi_pimp hmmm Is that so? I've had that much messages na?

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