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Status Updates posted by BettyConfidential

  1. Substance, always substance, over gloss and shine.

  2. Sila puro outing samantalang akong puro Out-In!!! #WorkModeOn

    1. FleurDeLune


      Same sentiment here

  3. Two aftershocks. Please stop it already!

  4. You can do anything, but not everything. #QuoteNotMine

    1. Drogo


      A small thing could be be worth something.

  5. Spoil me with your attention. I can finance myself. #MaibaLangAngStatus

  6. JustReadSomeWhere: Kung makapuna yung iba kay Taylor Swift inam, sila nga ang bilis makamoved on sa Martial Law. Duh.

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      Where's the like button? LIKE!

    2. BettyConfidential


      Liking because of T-Swift or the Martial law thing? hahaha! at any rate, thanks, DE!

      Apologists be damned.

    3. PreventerWind


      Bakit ngayon ko lang nakita to? hahaha. Nice one!

  7. De ja Moo: the feeling that you've heard this bull before.

  8. Less talk, less click, less mistakes.

  9. Sumasakit ang ulo ko sa election results. Why Philippines? :(

  10. If you don't like me at my fattest, you don't deserve me at my fittest.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. glut_func



    3. BettyConfidential


      ^^ sorry, gutom lang yan. ;)

    4. Darkwing Duck

      Darkwing Duck

      Chocolate enriched. First time i heard that. I like chocolates.

  11. Weather forecast today: Largely dry with heavy showers of OMG and WTF throughout the day.

    1. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Why not take a bath multiple times? That would cool you down amidst the scorching heat.

  12. Oops! Something went wrong! Sorry, the server is too busy to handle your request, please try again in a moment... -- darn mtc. pati ba naman ikaw?

  13. I am the kind of tired that sleep just cannot fix.

    1. hala beerah

      hala beerah

      Emotionally and mentally tired?

  14. how do you stop other people from adding you to their friggin' FB groups?! anybody?

    1. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Seems like no measure to prevent that. Once you were added, then opt out of that group.

    2. darksoulriver


      change your name to friggin codes hehehe

      just change it to your nick or reverse ur name.


    3. BettyConfidential


      @Guns, yeah, i think that's the same guidelines I saw in fb help community. *sigh*

      @darksoulriver, would that really stop your fb friends from adding you to groups? have you tried it?

  15. Want to save for Christmas expenses this year? Discuss politics with friends and relatives.

  16. RIP Rousey's lips.

    1. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Sewn lip....ouch!!!!! Bloody hell hahahahahahaha!!!!! :D

  17. Just because it pops into my head doesn't mean it should come out of my mouth.

    1. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Lemme guess....someone having a hard time reading your thoughts?

    2. BettyConfidential


      Uhm, not really. More like the need to think before I speak kind. I don't want to end up swallowing my words! :D

    3. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      True....admittedly am guilty of that....well sometimes. LOL

  18. Aldub dito, aldub doon. Pucha, wala na bang ibang balita?!

    1. ADAM


      Meron. Lipat-lipt din kasi ng channel. Pastillas Girl naman.

  19. Yo there, Friday, I've been looking for you since Monday. Where have you been?!

    1. BettyConfidential


      ^^Sorry, I'm farsighted. :P

  20. Nasa langit na ba ako? Bakit ang daming Dyosa? :D

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. L A D Y R E D

      L A D Y R E D

      lol alex sobrang tawa ko

    3. Mang.J


      @BC: Kalugod-lugod na ba sa inyo ang alay ng ating Dyos Alex, Diyosang BettyC? Tiyak, sa langit na nga ang inyong pupuntahan.

    4. BettyConfidential


      oh my gulay! natulog lang ako paggising ko dyosa na status ko! LOL! Ms. LadyRed what have you doneeeee! hahaha!


  21. Monday disguised as Tuesday. I can see through you, punk.

    1. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      I'd like to hear what you would say on Fridays disguised as Saturdays. :P

    2. BettyConfidential


      Aba, long weekend? LOL!

  22. Why, oh yes. I'm still wearing my sleepwear at this hour. I also did not fix my hair or take a shower yet. It's Sunday and I'm having a love affair with my bed.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      OMG....why is it that I'd always end up on a threesome in this website? LOL

    3. BettyConfidential


      O sige, kayo na muna ni vesper para one-on-one lang. baka kurutin na ng boss ko yung singit ko sa kaharutan ko. LOL!

    4. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      Hahahahahahaha....talaga yang boss mo....istorbo :D

  23. Pleasant weather today. I might go out later for a jog, or brisk walking, or a quick run. Might even eat a salad. I may also win the lottery. The odds are about the same.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mang.J


      at least the odds are never zero. cheers as well!

    3. BettyConfidential


      Cheers back at you @kangkarot (why do I feel funny whenever I say your handle)

      @Dr.00, uhm, yeah. You got two of them already. ;) Or is that supposed to be Dr.N0? Typo? LOL (layo ng N sa O ha!)

    4. Mang.J


      My name may have, but odds are, your odds aren't. And yes, it's double zeroes. XD

  24. Day is going great. Until I get to see granny porn sites. Thanks builtwith! I'm not scarred, I'm a big girl.. *sits in the corner while rocking back and forth in fetal position*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      @BC: The heck!!!!!!! You can keep your links. Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

    3. BettyConfidential


      @007: OK, its on its way to your inbox! LOL!

    4. Guns of the Patriots

      Guns of the Patriots

      @BC: You wouldn't dare.... LOL!

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