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Posts posted by rudepnoy4

  1. frank shamrock? that arrogant snot! hope someone beats the crap outta him soon, since he decided to fight in the UFC again. nothing against his skill kaso angas lang tlga nya. i remember him fighting el guapo for the king of pancrase yabang ni loko, kaya ayun talo siya ni bas rutten. ^_^


    anyweiz anyone know whatever happened to mark kerr? nde ko pa kasi napapanood yung bioflick nya na titled the smashing machine.

    i felt sorry for that guy hes suppose to be the most feared guy in MMA . but hes girl f#&ked him up all the drugs and pain shots he took. theres a clip there were bas knocked out ricco rodriguez in training you should watch it

  2. do you guys know who mark munoz is ? we got another pinoy fighter that will take mma by storm this fool is been talked about in the mma community here in cali ,even randy couture said with proper training this guy will be the future

  3. i thought the only thing holding fedor for fighting in the ufc is hes coach/manager wanted to get the whole red devil team a contract roman zentsov vs vera would be a sick fight.what about the winner of evans ortiz fight will face shogun for his debut.

  4. it's still part of the game......he wasn't able to defend the knee


    even with silva he did not tap out....referee stopped the fight......

    he was defending the knees its the clinch that kills him he cant get out of the clinch so he ends up eating hooks and 20 plus knees

  5. just watched clips of jackson against silva and rua.......he lost both matches.....


    rua kneed him in his right abdomen and it seemed downhill from there on....rua gave him a series of knees and when jackson tried to take him down by pulling one leg, rua just pulled his leg out and gave him kicks in the face...referee stopped the fight


    silva also gave jackson a series of knees and when jackson tried to pull silva's leg......silva pulled it out and kicked jackson in the face..referee stopped the fight


    it seems that jackson's chink in the armor is that hw has weak defense against knees


    but it is said at the ufc that jackson's now uses top notchh trainers in his team.....let's just wait and see

    but shogun didnt knocked quentin out quentin gave up bec hes ribs are broken i dont care who you are but once your ribs break your done , quentin can take knees he basically had silvas knees for dinner the problem when quentin is he needs to learn how to get out of muay thai clinch

  6. EXPOSED EXPOSED !! im not talking about the chin hahaha its the striking like most people claim hes the best striker . hes the best striker in the ufc cause he never fought a striker in the ufc. so freakin happy for quentin finally he gets paid . but its not gonna be easy for him to defend it who he got next jesus hes fighting hendo for his titlle defense , ad we all know chute boxe is like a cancer to quentin check chuteboxe usa website they have shogun fighting in ufc 72 sino sa tangin ninyo shogun should fight first on his ufc debut?? i say feed him the winner of rashad and tito and the winner fights quentin or hendo for the belt

  7. ill fight on my back anytime as long as its a grappling match but mma hell no theres so much you can do on your back if its a grappling match armbar triangle or you can switch it off or may be kimura or if the guy is dumb enough not to see it you can gogoplata his ass but thats grappling but mma its really really hard to focus to do all those stuff i mention if some fool is elbowing you laying on you and covering your mouth at the same time body body head do it like 5 times is not a pleasant feeling

  8. lucky thing its his right ankle not the left one, but i doubt it if hes still gonna be the same as before for sure something broke in there . gonzaga took a cue from lord fedor, you dont have to take him down the ground, just dont be scared to trade with him and keep going straight at him, but for god sake stay on his left side . cc doesnt handle non stop pressure that well .

  9. that aint luck at all


    gonzaga was pounding crocop on the ground


    i wonder why the ref asked them to standup when crocop ass wass getting murdered


    tsk,tsk! blame the ref!


    if he didnt try to save crocop from the ground, he wouldnt get knocked out by that kick :lol:

    cause herb dean is smart who wants to see fight get stop because of a stupid cut . from my experience i have taken elbows to the head and it doesnt really do damage except for a cut that is why the good ol pride doesnt like elbows

  10. sinosic is no joke hes records look like that cause he took pretty much all his fights in short notices so no time to train, but i still think bisping will ko him , i posted it here before, the count will ko lidell before he retires . i cant wait for the werdum vs arlowski fight, aa better win this one cause if not hes gonna be totally expose as one of the most overrated fighter . im going for werdum on this one just waatch how he handled sergei kharitanovs striking .

  11. just finished watching pride f#&kin emotional as hell i wanted to cry hahaha, seeing sakakibara shaking while making a speech, saku coming out crying like a lil kid , seeing all the fighters giving thanks to sakakibara so f#&kin memorable . war pride

  12. matt serra is a decent fighter, that fool is no joke in the ground . But i still think Gsp is too much for him .


    if big nog goes to ufc then cc is in trouble i would love to see him rematch cc and werdum this time no pain meds before the fight . i just hope he gets his clearance to fight in nevada cause i heard hes almost blind on one eye

  13. they are trying to unify the rules which is no stomps no knees to down opponents so basically they will just use the pride name brand in japan but its really ufc your watching . i just notice that its me, you(pronemaster) and larry whos keeping this thread alive

  14. for me if they take out the knees thats not mma anymore. since the chute boxe gym opened here in LA i only see the curutiba guys (wandy and the gangs) like 4 times they just do like 2 week seminars thats it .Chute boxe LA got their own set of instructors. and yes they do all that stuff in the gym but mostly real fighters train for that program i just train jiujitsu and muay thai . I think wandy and those guys will still be the same, but definitely they lost some advantages . i think they gonna rely more on the thai clinch now , cause most amercian and jap fighters got no answer to that.

  15. alright here's a question


    you're with your GF and 3 dudes come up to you in a dark alley


    one of them says we're gonna rape you both, you just have to decide who goes first.


    what do you do?


    here's a pic of the 3 dudes to help you decide:



    baby, once that dude with the mohawk haircut start doing missionary on you slap him a triangle those other two guys the one with no front teeth, and the one that keeps on doing that wrist rolling thing let them have it pls. Those guys are cool, then ill Run from those motherf#&kers like i never run before in my life. hahaha s@%t i wanna see what you guys gonna do

  16. not sure but she looks like one ill still hit it though , if you guys find a link of that xyience commercial where that girl is dancing and flames blazing from the background hook me up that chic is fawkin hot as hell

  17. Yes hes fighting in bodog but its only a 1 fight deal ,i cant wait for fedors fight check this guys hes fighting no other than matt lindland this will be a rape , but props to him for stepping up and fighting fedor

  18. Fool seriously did you really think i was affected by your post? i was clowning your ass since day one , fool get over your insecurities, pretty much everyone here thinks your a straight up clown i dont even know what to say anymore . I tried being matured with my response to you , but everything you write is just retarded, just for the record i was born and raised here in the us ,so dont worry i didnt take anything away from pinas or whatever nonsense you will say again. peace

  19. Are you paying me a backhanded compliment? Some part of your post sounds like that but if you would indulge me... can you PM me your post again but this time in English? Kung gusto mo tagalugin mo na lang.


    To escape the OT tag, let me say that I did not generalize my opinions. The nature of the thread only makes it sound like I do but a deeper reading of my post will show that my opinions are based on my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with my balikbayan RELATIVES and not just some people I would claim to have observed or based on some other guys story about their own experiences (that would be hearsay). So, I hope that sets that part of it right.


    About the Philippines being f*cked up... You and I are in agreement here. But I chose to come back and work here. My balikbayan relatives chose to jump ship just to be assured of a good life. I chose to gamble my future in my country.


    I never flaunted my friends and relatives in your so-called high places. I meantion their existence to illustrate that I had no need to ask them for support to achieve what I think I have achieved--a comfortable life in the Philippines.


    Yuou ask about the economy in the Philippines as opposed to the economy in your country? As if there are no poor people in other countries? We're not discussing that here. If you wish, we are discussing the kind of lives my balikbayan relatives live and what they had to forego in comparison to the standard of living that I along with my parents and siblings enjoy in the Philippines.


    I must thank you for the compliment about my english being better than some of your white professors. I presume you are in America. As the character Henry Higgins said about English in the musical version of "Pygmalion": "in America, they haven't spoken it for years."


    I guess, the crux of our argument here is that I am saying it is possible to build a decent life in the Philippines even if you are a product of the public school system. With my situation, I showed it was possible. I admit I had some breaks too if you can call those breaks. After public elementary school, I went to a science high school, then UP, then a government scholarship to some school in Europe and then another scholarship to some business chool in Europe and some certifications from some US school on the east coast.


    My balikbayan relatives have adopted as their life's refrain that this was not possible.


    Not all college grads here end up as fast food chain employees. A sizeable number of the good ones work in call centers and earn foreign exchange for the Philippines while stealing away jobs from American college grads who can't speak english to save their lives while insisting on high wages. This is an industry growing at the rate of 60% a year in the Philippines. And there are several industries like this coming up. So don't accuse me of generalizing when you commit the same offense in the same post.


    Now I will address ALL balikbayans:


    If you think that sending money back home is enough to compensate the country for your long absence and your depriving the country of your industry, skill and experience you are wrong. By sending money you do not solve the problems that you guys are so quick at pointing out are there. The act does not make you part of the solution. If at all, the act of money being sent by balikbayans (not OFWs!) is a symptom of the problems that continue to exist. When you think your country is not good enough and you are too good for your country. That is the problem.




    First off, don't give off a "proud product of public school pinoy" impression when you can barely write in tagalog with proper grammar. You insult people here because they are not in the same level as you as far as their ability to write proper English but when it was your turn to reply in Tagalog (because you insist that your superior writing is above everyone's understanding) you couldn't even finish a paragraph without resulting back to using another English word. Remember that famous line from Gat Jose Rizal about "malansang" isda? Well you sure as hell reek of the smell. Also, exactly how many drafts do you go through before you make the final post in this forum? I bet you have to look up a simple word in a thesaurus to find a better sounding synonym for your post, huh? By the way, if you were so damn proud of your country, why the hell did you have to leave for Europe for a 'better' education? Oh...wait...that's right....so you can study literature and learn to write better in English...right? I guess you weren't so damn proud of the school system there after all since you believed that a European school can provide you a better education? I am aware that I have gone out of the topic here since the issue is about the "view of balikbayans" but you made it that way when you began to boast of your education, generalized balikbayans, and insulted people here. You continue to boldly claim in your replies to others that you DID NOT generalize and is amazed why you get criticisms? Why don't you look back to your post and read (slowly...please) the first sentence that you wrote. Now ask yourself if that is not generalizing? I suggest that if you are going to start generalizing, then it will become handy to use the method of deduction. It will make your argument much more convincing. I assume that with your higher education that you know of such method, right? It scorns me that you 'pity' balikbayans when you yourself is guilty of what you accuse them?! You perceive them as traitors for not getting the courage to stay in their homeland and make something of themselves there instead of someplace else? HEY PUNK when you experience real poverty, survival needs become priority and not pride or partriotism. Maslow will back me up on this. He's a popular icon so I see that there's no need of clarification of who he is, I assume. When you see a tiny chance of hope of escaping a poor life by living in another country, you just do it...like it's a gut instinct . Call that betrayal but it makes a less of a difference when you know of how many relatives you can help. Exactly how many balikbayans or OFW do you know who can honestly admit that they leave to better the economy of Philippines? That is not what they initially think of. It's just an icing on top of the cake. So before you make another reply to anyone, including me, ask yourself if you really are arguing for those strong convictions that you like to claim you hold? Or, are you maybe just another miserable f#&k fishing for compliments? Quit the coffee and go suck a fat one Ya Heard? .

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