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Posts posted by tomward

  1. I have been offered to work abroad. In the end I decided not to. Its a matter of contentment cguro. I might not be earning my gazillion bucks here but then I have the comfort of my family, friends and familiarity. You can be rich anywhere you are and poor no matter what job you take abroad. Nasa diskarte lang yan.

  2. I never really find myself seriously attracted to women who are way taller than me. It could quite be a problem kasi Im shorter than most women anyway. To a guy that is short they look out of proportion hahaha. I probably have a self defense mechanism that when I see a tall girl di ako na aarouse...

  3. My Nursing Psych Teacher...


    We became good friends after she was assigned to be the college glee club advisor and I was president. She told me one day her dream would be to see me sing with the Phil Madrigal Singers. We discussed everyday how to make the college choir better. after leaving college and deep into my studies in music I got a call from my old classmate telling me that my teacher was dead. She died of leukemia. She kept a journal of her fight with cancer and wrote her thoughts everyday. I cried when I got to the part when I saw my name in her journal. Dami nya sinabi about me. I stayed late and in the wee hours of morning I sang for her while she was lying on her coffin. I didn't fulfill her wish to sing with the madrigal singers but majo nakadaya na rin kasi hiniram nila ako once to sing in a wedding kasi kulang sila.

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