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Posts posted by knoll1234

  1. The night has less people bothering me. Biological rhythms resets during the night. I think I have always been a night owl all my life. In High school I remembered staring at the heavens at night and wonder. There is something about the night that makes it like a day for me, only dark. Most of work of significance I've done at night. I think of my night as a day and my day a day. It is strange but I thrive very very good during the night.

  2. I have very low treshold for someone, a male specially , physically hurting a woman. I will intervene, I would not look away, I will smack the woman-beater straight were it hurts. And I will not hesitate to have him prosecuted. and pay for the prosecution. There no excuse loud enough to make a case for a man to hurt women. I do not care if it is a stranger, or my relative. I have zero tolerance for men physically hurting women. So I hope not to see anything like that in the streets of Metromanila.

  3. 1. Love is blind.

    2. Lovers cannot see.

    3. deep pockets of the ugly party.

    4. beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

    5. pinikot.

    6. just plain honest to goodness love.

    7. The woman feels so secure that surely no kabet is imagineable.

    8. the ugly guy has a big dick and super satisfies the woman.

    9. nabola si beautiful.

    10. Just say it's none of one's business what one's like. It's a personal decision.

  4. Any dwelling of this kind is not only a fire code violation and a safety hazard, but also a precedent. You know how it is, If Juan can do it , so does Pedro.


    Don't wait for an accidental fire to happen, buy at least a fire protection insurance and a firextinguisher. Ever since I was small my dad, never let our fire extinguisher expire or be out of it. It is a small investment with big returns.

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