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Posts posted by pimpmeister

  1. MJ


    Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that he'll love you back. Some people are just not meant to be in your life no matter how much you want them to be. You're young, pretty and sweet so pick up yourself and move on. Off to the next page. Remember, "Wise men learn from the mistakes of the fools". And yes my dear friend, I was once a fool. :blush: :blush: :blush:




  2. Aling Matutina,



    Thank you so much. You just made my day complete with your call. Akala ko madadapa ako palabas ng training room because of too much excitement. I can't describe the feeling, kinikilig ako na parang nasa Highschool days lang ulit. Hahahaha... Sana ganito na lang palagi. :blush: :blush: :blush:





  3. Aling Matutina,


    You see, I'm hurt. I'm hurt of seeing your tears fall down your red cheeks.

    And yes, it's difficult. It's difficult to decide on where should I draw the line.

    What I witnessed was something else, I felt that enduring pain.

    I can feel that there's something deep inside of you so please let me reach you.

    Let me reach those wounds and help you slowly heal it.

    Know that my intentions are genuinely real.

    I'll be here, I am more than willing to wait...

    And I will always be at your side because now I began to realize that....

    I loved you more. :blush: :blush: :blush:




  4. Aling Matutina,


    The lyrics of this song are the exact words that I'd like to instill to you.


    I don't have the courage and the will

    To say the words but I can feel

    That what's inside me is for real

    Oh and I know someday

    I'll have the chance to prove and say

    The simple words would come your way

    I know i'll have the chance someday

    A Chance for me to say

    That I love you


    And yes, I wish that this dream will all come true. :wub: :wub: :wub:



  5. Aling Matutina,


    I guess my good friend is right. Either I take it one step at a time or I have to let go and wait for the perfect time. I hope someday you'll wake up on the right side of the bed and would begin to realize it. :blush:




  6. Dear Aling Lukring,



    The adrenaline rush of seeing you again is still pumping in my nerves. (Thanks to you "Inang") You never cease to amaze me lalo na ang pang Donya mong tawa... Nakakainis ka! Hahahahaha...


    On a serious note though, I really hope we get to know each other well in the next coming days and I wish you'll be "the one" this time. :wub: :wub: :wub:



  7. My China Eyes,


    What happened? I haven't heard anything from you since the day you told me that you two parted ways (again). You won't answer my sms messages either, does this mean you're trying to create space between us? I'd lie if I tell you that I'm happy to know that you two reconciled last time but I'm not. Pero ganun talaga. Katulad ng dati, move on lang ng move on. Nakakahinayang lang ang compatibility natin, sayang.






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