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Status Updates posted by Leyna

  1. @FP, sure, just don't break my heart. =D =D

  2. I love your guts. ;)

  3. Sometimes, you're really such a pain in the a$$. :P

  4. @people, stop posting your numbers here, I don't wanna be held liable for any untoward incidents you might come across to.

    @famous_power, (LOL) I'm busy counting the days actually. Silly!

  5. I hate people who are so full of sh1t, and those who love to make simple things complicated.

    1. pnxt


      no nonsense gurl.......

    2. Grifter03
  6. Now, I'll always smile every time the clock strikes 6:00 pm. :P

  7. The best way to succeed in life is to act on the advice we give to others.

  8. There are stars from a different view, but still I see nothing but you.

  9. I'm getting sickly lately. How about hiring you as a private doctor? :P

  10. @famous_power, it's a big YES! Can I take you home then? hahaha

  11. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but I can't wait any longer. :P Please be here now.

  12. Don't you hate it when people lie...not knowing that you know the truth? >_<

    1. daftpunkz


      well, if someone does it consistently then you better get rid of that person :P

    2. louiesanchez


      give him/her a benefit of a doubt :)

    3. Climaco


      There are cases I wished I wouldn't have known the truth.

  13. @famous_power, my dear sir, who's gonna wear it? Everything (hopefully) will be ready by sept. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

  14. I suddenly missed you, not the usual I-miss-you-everyday kind of thing, but I-miss-you-and-I-wish-you-are-here. Here...right now. Please take care for me, baby.

  15. Impotence is grounds for divorce in 26 U.S. states.

    1. robocapz


      good thing I don't have that problem :D

    2. Miggz


      Its a ground for annulment here... or for voiding the marriage under psychological incapacity... Marriage is still, basically, for procreation, so if you can't get it on, what's the point? :D

    3. andykings


      I agree with miggz!

  16. If it really was "never too late," nothing would have an expiration date.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. benfolds5


      Although of course, when I'm late, I also always say, there's going to be a tomorrow. :P

    3. harold sorito
    4. louiesanchez


      ironically, this comes from a self-confessed procrastinator. peace! :P

  17. If I had my life to live over. I'd dare to make more mistakes next time.

    1. Miggz


      Hey, looking before you leap isn't so bad... and you're not even in your 30's yet, right? You have plenty of time to make a mess of things :) hehe :)

    2. Leyna


      almost there miggz haha

    3. wakangamoks


      but you learn from mistakes. everybody makes mistakes. learn not to repeat it is very very important. :D have a nice day


  18. It is not the size of a man but the size of his heart that matters.

    1. wakangamoks


      what the hearts says is more logical than what the thing says

  19. You are the sun, and you are the shadow. How do I escape from that?

    1. supergame


      You have a lovely face and a profound mind. Cool!

    2. Miggz


      Go underground? :O

  20. The largest pornography collection in the world is located at The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality. It contains 80,000 pornographic books and at least 150,000 movies.

    1. rajon
    2. rajon


      love the way you smile...

    3. deepdiverboy


      It was 50,000 movies before I donated my personal collection. Kidding. Beergin pa po ako!

  21. you haven't seen the rest of MTC yet. ;)

  22. Viva España!

    1. Miggz


      Traydor! :O Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! :D

    2. Leyna


      hahaha miggz!

  23. Love without friction is fiction.

    1. schemadude
    2. daftpunkz


      can we meet? I rili want to get to know u

    3. don1uan


      are you interestin? is it worth it to hang out with you?

  24. It is impossible to defeat an ignorant person in an argument.

    1. supermario


      indeed, no sense arguing with them.

    2. Guest


      yeah!! its a non sense...

  25. I forgive you :P :D

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