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Posts posted by Yavanna

  1. Oh teka,diba huling letter mo sakin..sabi mo aayusin mo kung anu man merong away kau?at wag akong makisali? ano na ba ngayon?mukhang hindi sya nakipag-ayos sau.At mukhang WALA ka na talagang pag-asa. Oh well..ganun talaga. :-(

    - excerpt from HW's blog entry


    where's the PM I sent you claiming i was hoping for things fixed with your boyfriend? WHERE? :rolleyes: :hypocritesmiley: :upside:


    how much drama of longing does that fictional PM contain?


    sa recto, madami dung fake documents. pagawa ka nalang so that you can produce something for everyone to see. do they falsify mtc PMs there?



    :upside: :upside: :upside: :upside: :upside: :upside:

    :D :D :D :D :D :D

  2. Ms Home Wrecker,


    Spare me the insult. Either you are or you are not. I am not the one currently seeing your married boyfriend so try as you will, the title belongs to you alone; and NO, I am not even vying as a contender. He's all yours if you can have him, HOME WRECKER STYLE! Did you not know that when his significant other was contemplating on coming back, I made the decision to leave, to stop seeing him and to stop any form of communication with him? Unfortunately, your boyfriend was so persistent with his messages of "I miss you" and "I want to see you" and the occasional morning and evening messages that were left unanswered for over two months. Sue me if I did miss him after having made a decision to leave, and, yes, I did start to talk to him again in May via text and chat because I can also be persuaded with consistency. At least I know I said NO to his recent "invitations" knowing fully well his wife is back. Several times whenever he'd go to Manila I'd get invitations for meet ups. NO.


    The only time I allowed him to see me, he asked if I am free that day or if I can go out on a "break" so that we can meet up. Alas, I only allowed him to see me for a "hello" in my shop and in the presence of people around. A smart idea so as to avoid any incident I could regret. He must not have liked the idea. We all know what happened later. You said YES. You met up. You had fun. NICE really except that he has added to his list of lies along the way. Did I ask him for an explanation? He voluntarily provided me with one.


    All those invitations and all those lies to assure me that he is not seeing anyone else, or did you not get the memo? He has denied having seen you after all those dates you've had (perhaps except for that first incident in May) to at least one person apart from me.


    As to his amnesia about what we were, I care not what he says to you but did he not write "ikaw ang nangiwan sa akin. more than once." Now, the same amnesia may have befallen me so would you rather interpret it yourself by reading between the lines? It's written in black and white as opposed to all your other claims said by him. Perhaps asking him for chat transcripts would also give you an idea. As for me, I cannot remember anymore.


    And no, I am not in anyway inclined to accept anyone who has lied incessantly, especially not a man whose wife has returned. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


    You want to continue seeing him? Your choice. You want to keep encouraging him to see you while his wife believes he is on some honest errand? Whatever suits you, really. Between you and me, Ms Home Wrecker, I'd say I made the smart move to leave and to say NO. Now, who in this equation is "TANGA?"


    P.S. You do not have access to my contacts so I'll make it easy for you. It's now available for everyone to see. See, I even spared you from the effort. I'm feeling generous.


    P.P.S. Sorry you do not deserve an entry in my blog. I'll just give a huge space for you in my comment box. That should be sufficient.


    P.P.P.S. Kindly post the PM I sent you so that people, er your friends can scrutinize if i did say "aayusin" things with your boyfriend. Another delusional claim, but let us have other people decide for themselves.

  3. If you ask our common friends and acquaintances, and I will give you permission to do so, ask them if I have in any way asked about you, raised you as a topic, raised your name in any conversation or took any part in any discussion about you. Ask. I'm very positive of the response they will give you. (I shall insert here an exception for one person who knew the matter before I did, before I myself have found out about your blog, and who, I thought, has blindly set me up if that be the original intent. I shall not discuss the matter as it between me and that person. But that discussion lasted only a few inquiries and only once.)


    no edit function yet...


    I forgot about him. So just one other and no more. But I guess that is very much a given.

  4. Blogger,


    First of all, you know I am a fan of your site. I've read it, don't worry. I check it once every one or two or three days just to get the information I need. You know what I'm talking about if you actually know why I'm checking. And no, it's not about you. Thank you for the admission of something he has lied about. That one line means a lot to me and, in a way, you have no idea how it made me more sure of my cause.


    Anyway, all the things you've said about me and which you have addressed to me are your opinions. The fact that I have posted a letter in public makes me a subject of judgment. But let me tell you that you can never know the whole story, not even half of it. The things which you claim are my thoughts and feelings are not even close to what the truth is. If you read my letters, it may have involved you but they are not ABOUT you or FOR you. That you have to be defensive, and even distastefully offending, as a response to the letters caught me by surprise. Then again, anything written in public and made available for public viewing is subject to that so I take no ill feelings for you expressing your opinion. As to the manner, I will have to say otherwise. (I have sinned. Note that what amuses me is the fact that you were the first to cast a stone.)


    What has caused me to write this letter, however, is not at all about your judgment and opinion of me. Rather it is your accusation in that letter that I have attempted to destroy your image. Please be advised that I have not mentioned your name in any of the things I have written. Neither have I given clues that will direct anyone to know they are about you. After my first letter, I was not even sure you knew that comment was for you.


    Let me assure you that with regard to this matter, I have only two confidantes who know that the person

    I have even mentioned is you. These two confidantes are two of my friends here in MTC who act as my sponge when I have problems. They have not in any way participated openly or actively in my problems other than to listen. I make sure that they are spared from any attack because they are in no way part of this. Apart from these two, I have told one other male friend. The last person I have told about this is the last person you have involved, only recently, and only because she was accused wrongly of having anything to do with me for an action she made. For details, I may even send you a PM because I do not want to cause identification here.


    If you claim I have destroyed your image, I would like to say that I can only claim responsibility for these people I have mentioned. Again, there is nothing in my letter that would lead you to be identified. Not even if you back read my posts will anyone have a clue. I checked the recipient of my message if there is anything in his letter or back posts that would lead to your identification. None as well.


    You naming me in another venue on the other hand has caused you to be known where I was careful enough to not cause any form of humiliation or embarrassment and more importantly association. If people have identified you with me, it is because of your doing not mine. If people have known about it prior to that entry, it is because you may have given them heads up or talked about it or written explicitly about it or discussed it with others online or off. I will not claim responsibility for your actions.


    If you ask our common friends and acquaintances, and I will give you permission to do so, ask them if I have in any way asked about you, raised you as a topic, raised your name in any conversation or took any part in any discussion about you. Ask. I'm very positive of the response they will give you. (I shall insert here an exception for one person who knew the matter before I did, before I myself have found out about your blog, and who, I thought, has blindly set me up if that be the original intent. I shall not discuss the matter as it between me and that person. But that discussion lasted only a few inquiries and only once.)


    For the record, even I found out about things through your site. My familiarity with the subject has caused me to know. But it is not enough to identify him if no one else knows the details about him. If your image has been destroyed based on the number of people who know anything about this whole matter with you, it is by your doing, your writings, your open admissions, your tactless way of talking about anything which no one has publicly confirmed. Neither of us has publicly involved you, neither have we expressed association with you in that manner in which you claim, save, I would think those four. Of course, I cannot speak for him, if he has spoken to anyone of his involvement with you in private. Only he will know that.


    I do not want to be associated with you. I don't want people to think of me and then think of you along the same line of thought. If you want to be associated with me, that is your prerogative. But I do not like the idea. Which is why I will continue to not mention you or identify you in this letter. Again, only people who have known things from you or by your doings will know this about you. I don't know how many they are. Maybe you can tell.


    And if you hate me, you have every right to be. I use your posts in ways I can. They were publicly posted. Just like me, you should know they will be subject to judgment and interpretation and possibly usage. I will take your statement in your last entry as a permission. You said you don't care. Thank you.


    About you saying you have ended this fight that I have started, please note that I have not started picking a fight with you in public. I have my sight on one person who has caused me a lot of anger. So, yes, you cannot end a fight by having the last say when it was you who openly attacked me and if anything, have tried to provoke me. But other than this letter, you wont hear much from me. No, you did not end a fight by posting that entry and stating you have the last word. Ironically, YOU HAVE JOINED ONE. Sorry for the caps. I just needed to emphasize that. Honestly, if he did not tell you to keep out of this, let me tell you myself and for your own benefit, it is not a good idea to be participating in a fight where neither party wants you there. But that is just me.


    Lastly, please spare me the colorful remarks. And try not to be superficial in your attacks on me. Your ka-LEVEL remark is something I will have to agree with though. No we are not of the same kind. And please try not to be superficial as to even mention my height. I still don't know how that is an insult; but for your pleasure, I will pretend to be insulted by it.



    -Miss Wide Reader






    p.s. Pardon me. I just love long letters.

  5. Such a hypocrite--- to be telling me what to do. Had your wife not returned, you still would be idling hours away in front of your precious laptop, chatting with women, telling them how your wife has left you and then ask them out on dates. That's how you are. At least I know I am in front of the PC because it is my business to be here. I go to work 6 days a week! Can you say the same for yourself? So don't you dare say I daydream or fantasize. I'm a serious entrepreneur trying to make my business work--hands on! And don't think that not sweating, having no boss or not experiencing traffic makes my job less than your average decent wage earner's. It's a job.


    And after all your strong arguments in various threads that married men should NOT be sleeping around... guess what? Your good boy image is such a facade people believe until something happens. Don't play the role of a saint when you are a sinner just like the rest of us. You tell people how you have been celibate for so long without a wife by your side. Damn... liar to the core! Anyone who cares to know the truth can ask me.


    SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS does not suit you.


    You want this dirty? You're calling me names? You started posting. You want the story out?


    You hypocrite of a man, to be writing about things where everyone can see our dirty laundry. “Siguraduhin mo lang it's between you and me?” How can it be when you've posted stuff on the net. That means involving people. Think I'm scared? Think I'll fold just because you've written about me? Here. Let's add to your list of exhibits. I don't mind. You think I can't do just as you did? Huh!


    The guts... to be sending me invitations and to be talking to me in the same manner we used to like nothing has changed between us. Looking back, I'm glad things happened the way they did; that we never really had the chance to be together because you were seeing someone else. Did you think you can go on with your game and that I would be totally clueless about it?


    Had I not read her blog, I would not have known myself. Thank goodness for that or you would have played me for a fool. You denied it. You still deny it. She has been vocal about it. You have denied seeing her again after that incident in the car. You said nothing has happened since. No emotions. Spur of the moment. That you were glad nothing happened beyond that which did because she would be more confused given she already is with that single account. You said you have not seen her since. Those were the things you told me first time I asked late last May. I guess you did it to appease my pain and curiosity. Luckily, she writes things. She blogs about you. She talks about you in her room. She gives you nicknames. And still you tell me nothing? She expects something from you. All because of one kiss? Wow. You expect me to accept things as you feed them to me? And after obsessing about her posts to find out more, you dare ask me to not check MTC often? Why? Because the more I look the more I'll see your lies? Good try.


    I asked the same question last week. Same answer. You've only seen her once in the last two months. Every time I ask, you have no idea how badly I want to believe you but what I read tell me otherwise.


    And please don't think I'm asking you back. I left, remember? And initially with good intentions. You're someone I can afford to not have. I just needed time. But you were the one who persisted in getting in touch with me after over two months of ignoring you. Damn. You should have left me in my own corner trying to get over you and all the good memories between us would have been preserved. But too late for that.


    For two weeks now we have been at odds. Yes, I am obssessing over the fact that I got hurt at a time when I was most vulnerable. I did not want to go back to the same helpless state I was in last summer. Had you seen me then, you would not have recognized me. But you treated my pain as something trivial. Of course, you always say your pain is more than anyone else's. If that is your license, then screw you. And you lied to me as often as I asked questions. You call me CRAZY? As a woman scorned while bleeding, I have every right to be. Do you have any idea how insulting it was for me? Oh, before I forget, your apology a couple of weeks back was quite amusing. Never heard one less sincere from you. I had to be blunt about that apology. I meant it when I said I could not accept that apology no matter how many times you've mentioned the word “sorry.” It was insulting! So there it ends.


    You deserve a lesson. Such arrogance for a man in your shoes! You need to know how it is to hurt and not have the one causing your pain feel sorry for you, even to a point of mocking your pain into insignificance. That was how you did it. By the way, a few nights ago, I enjoyed forwarding all those posts about you. Did you enjoy reading them as much as I did? All those emotions of love and longing and regrets? All her friends get to read them and they know they are about you. Care to deny some more?


    I am sad how this has turned out between you and me but I guess this is how it has to be. You hide behind a good boy persona but the truth is now revealed. You're just another wolf in sheep's clothing.


    Don't mess with people if you are in a vulnerable state. That is a lesson you have yet to learn. Arrogance will be the cause of your downfall.


    Try honesty for once.







    p.s. You don't get to make the rules so don't dictate. This is my game now. And you've threatened me back, remember? Did I not say bring it on? And did you not just DARE me a few days ago? You drew first blood here on the internet whilst I was merely arguing with you via private messages; but you must have been having a delusion if you, for one moment, believed I won't answer back in the same venue you have chosen.


    This is a long post but it's just a proof that when you hit, I can hit harder. Here. Get your megaphone back. Tell everyone. That seems to be the ongoing trend with you and whoever you are associating with. I merely followed. I'm done.


    p.p.s. I've kept most of my chat transcripts. You want to discredit anything I've said?

  6. lagi tayo nagaaway lately...

    because of the things she writes...


    and how different they are from the things you tell me...

    and i dont know what to believe anymore...


    last night was really bad...

    and im still mad...

    i wish i could say i'll get over it that quick...

    but your message did not appease me at all...

    i don't know why...

    usually it would...


    you unregistering will not make a difference...

    it's her who has been annoying me...

    if you just tell her the things you've told me...

    then maybe just maybe things would have been different...


    she disgusts me...


  7. SIS#1


    that was the best news i've received this week...

    been thinking about it since you told me but i just didnt want to constantly ask about it given it's a big deal and i didnt want to pressure you into thinking about it the whole time as well...


    i miss you too...


    be good!











    i wish we got closer a little sooner...

    i realized i missed a lot not having known you well long before you know...

    ill edit that which you gave me tomorrow...

    hopefully, you can give a seal of approval by monday or tuesday...

    although i know you'll be very busy then because of -----

    good luck... ;)


    anyway... with that last thing we talked about...


    there's a reason for everything...

    don't be depressed about how things worked out...

    God has better plans...


    please try not to be sad anymore...


    dito lang ako...


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