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Posts posted by jopoc

  1. hohummmm....


    the biggest COWARD and LIAR in the world.... el rey.



    tama na ang drama. naming names who dont exist will get you nowhere.... i was there. i texted you (you admitted getting my cp number). you did not texted back. bakit kaya? hhmmmmm...


    tama na.. we are going circles here.


    just go back to your kid. she needs to practice.

    who knows, maybe she could be the best pick-up of malate someday.


    bilib ako sa iyo, bastusin pamilya mo, ok lang, bastusin ang walang kwentang school mo, ngangawa ka... shows a lot of your character.


    anyway, just like your promise to hunt me down, nothing happened last saturday. credibility is something you lack, you disgraced/humiliated ex-mod. everybody knows that.


    i am done with you....... this time, i mean it.

  2. blah blah blah


    wag mong idaan sa pagalit galit.

    akala mo ayaw kitang makita after mong bastusin ang asawa ko?



    now just shut the fukc up.

    wag kang magkuwaring matapang, eh duwag ka naman,


    walang kasama daw yung tao... tinanong daw kung me naghahanap sa kanya....pabago bago ata kwento natin.....nyahahahaha...

    and assuming (assuming lang) andun ka, anong oras? 430pm? 530pm?



    simple lang tanong ko, bakit di ka nagreply nung tinext kita ng 315pm at 345pm?

    simple din ang logical answer dun.... eh wala ka nun.



    stop pretending that you have an army of mods behind you.





    tama ang iba dito... nakakasawa ka na...

    nasunog na ako noon ke mr wade (aka bossing vic, smith, etc) at ke blueeyes.

    at ngayon nasunog ulit ako sa iyo...


    tama na... i feel so stupid believing that you will arrive because i did not learn my lesson from mr wade and blueeyes.

    my time was wasted. and this wont happen again.


    and of story. shut up, you disgraced ex-moderator.

  3. you didnt show up. i was there..... i know you did not.

    i was inside all along. told them that if anybody looks for a jopoc, call me.

    before i left i asked if someone showed up. sabi wala.


    i texted you twice. you wasted my time. i left there 4pm since i have other things to attend to.


    if you were really there, how come you did not answer my text? i texted you at 310pm and then 345pm.

    if you got my number, then you did receive my text. you did not answer because you were not there.



    i will ask the people around if you passed by and at what time.


    and about your imaginary mod.... tell him or her to show up and attest to the truth of his or her claim.


    by the way, i showed up in an EB with blueeyes. everybody from MOM knows that.

    i met up with X, my former enemy too....


    stop making stories. that is the only thing you are good at.





    PS. i will not be in the lasalle game. you wasted my time enough. if you want to see me, do as what you threatened me.... trace me, and find me. i will not waste your time again.


    my panyera? i never said anything to her. if she is just speculating, that could be because she was talking to you that time, bonehead.

  4. you have my number -- you have the instructions...


    you know the address you give is vague, you gave an address with at least a 10 km vague directions, known only to you... another way to wiggle out of an actual, non-virtual confrontation


    I waited the other day again, a MOD was updated while i waited...


    you have my phone number, I'll be waiting... sino sa atin ang bakla? 3 occassions jopoc, several lame excuses,


    I'm the one chomping at the bit, you call me,


    finally, be a man jopoc,


    nice to see you serving out your suyspension


    you made the challenge by posting in the FC, where i dont frequent anymore. although you could have sent me a PM.


    and again you claim that i did not show up. natural. hindi ko alam, eh.


    either you are that stupid or you are making lame excuses. show up later. i will be there.


    by the way, i sent you through PM the exact location. i already did it the first time i gave you the address. dont make flimsy excuses.

  5. jopoc, i was told to post this here


    Thursday September 11, 2008 at the same location i PM'd you, 10 pm


    be there... not your designated place, this is a neutral place, its the same one you were supposed to go to 2 times before, you didn't show up


    you have my phone number, you have my license plate number, you know what i look like


    I know your obese, so i'll just look out for the fattie who took all his pen-mates bmeg


    dont you dare take my picture while i'm there, i will make it my life's work to make you miserable






    style mo... papayag ka sa lugar ko, pero takot ka rin pala.


    tapos dito ka magpopost na change venue. sa thread na hindi ko na pinapasukan.


    pwede mo naman i-PM yung change of venue. pero hindi, dito mo pinost. style bakla!!!



    ulol!!!! duwag ka palang hinayupak ka.


    buti na lang nabasa ko ito ngayon. kundi, aaksayahin mo pa ang oras ko bukas.




    ngayon alam mong hindi ka na talaga mod kasi suspendido ka pa. nyahahahahaha....



  6. 1. there is no sauna bath thread.

    2. being in another thread is not using another program.

    3. another program is like using MS office (MS word, excel, etc).



    i will help you a little.


    show a post of mine dated and timed, like 5 minutes, before you sent that impromptu challenge last week.




    again, stop the publicity. just show up on sat. ok?


    dont be like blueeyes.... last second naduwag at hindi nagpakita.


    by the way, IN A FEW MINUTES, i will be leaving the office for a hearing in a nearby province. baka sabihin mong nabasa ko nanaman mga posts mo. i will be replying tonite na... that is if your posts are worth answering./

  7. and i thought that posting PMs without the consent of the other is a mortal sin.

    his suspension is asked for this.


    no wonder natanggal ka as mod. di mo alam ang batas.






    someone is scared, finding reasons to back out. hahahaha...

    dumating ka na lang nang magkaalaman.

  8. owws.... after backing out sa saturday gimik natin, here you are, crying like a spanked school girl.....



    i never called you a disgraced mod.... i call you a disgraced EX-mod.... intiende?

    stop thinking that you are still a mod. tinanggal ka na. reality check ka na.



    now, stop whining and sour graping. i will be in the designated place this saturday.

    show up and bring your imaginary friends.




    and again, not because i am online, i am able to read to your messages.

    i could be online but out of my table. or online but using another program.


    please stop making obvious where you come from. its embarassing.

  9. repost k lang sana may sumagot?


    Good am po Bro. need k lang ng legal advice? I recently sold my internet shop lately and i was paid for it but i have left a billing of say 24k for internet and telephone charge to the one who bought the internet shop, they treat and subpoena me for not paying them, i try to settle them by paying partial for until recetly i was able to finally able to pay the amount, but they insist that it was still partial, they have insist that i pay june to july internet bill that they use, we have sold the shop to them may 2008. my question po my pananagutan p b k dun eh wala n kami dun sila n naka puwesto? may legal pa b ako hakbang laban sa kanila kase naharass kami, me and my familly saying that i still have a large amount of money that i owe them. they harass me by coming to our family celebration and made this accusation. Hope you could me po Bro.




    if the bills are under your name,i suggest that you settle the bills immediately, subject to refund from the new owner.

    or make the new owner pay the new bill. just discuss the matter with the new owner.

    then have the services under your name disconnected. make the new owner apply for net and phone under his name (or have the name transferred)


    the presumption is that if the bill is under your name, you are the one liable.



    but if the bill is not under your name, you can always threathen those who harass you of a damages suit.

    dont pay or dont mind the harssaments. you can even have them arrested for unjust vexation right then and there..

  10. Well, all i can say is that she really got this good lawyer mala Katrina Legarda, i caught my wife one day sa kwarto pa namin with a guy, ayun nabugbog ko sila pareho. I can't file adultery coz techically you have to catch them doing 'the act'.


    ayun, nagfile ng medico legal, may mga pasa ung asawa ko. dun na nagsimula lahat. ako na ginago ako pa may kaso. para malinis ung pangalan nya sa pamilya nya, hinalungkat nya yan RA 9262. Namputs* battered husband ako pero tiniis ko lahat, ngayon ako pa ganito. di ko pa makita ng maayos anak ko.


    Thanks really for checking...



    what you should have done is come up with a sworn statement that you saw them IN THE ACT already.

    how can they prove that you are lying? the evidence is clear. magkasama sila sa kama.

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