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Posts posted by muttley

  1. Sad to say bro but all answers to your guide is on the negative (except number 11).. Got a lot to work on, I guess..


    She was sick today so hindi sya pumasok.. Called her up asap this afternoon to check on her and prescribed some meds and diet modification.. She sounded weak, so I have no way of knowing if she's appreciative of me checking up on her or not..



    I'll be going back to the hospital in an hour for my night E.R. Duty.. Kamustahin ko muna sya uli before I leave, maybe via text or call.. Guys, do you think I'm overdoing it?


    Yes. Leave her be for now.

  2. I was doing that pare for a while and was happy. But I think I am just fooling myself thinking that this girl is nothing to me. I was trying hard avoiding her. But one call changed the whole thing. I received kasi a txt from her na he was taken out by a police. To cut the story short I rescued her cause the police guy was up to no good and she was crying so I went to her. I was planning to take her back to the club para report Nya but she said it will be taken against her . So I just brought her home. Inside her house she told me that she still loves me and wants a second chance. I told her na we are better off as friends cause I cannot hurt myself again and not go through this again it's too draining. She told me she understand but asked if we can do it. Magic, we have good chemistry kasi in bed. That did not stop there basta naulit Ng naulit and all the hard work I made getting over her was done the drain. Kami na ulit. But she promised na she won't have other men in her as long as kami.


    I have serious doubt about what she said cause she is still working. Hirap na naman Ako to trust her. Pasok na naman Ako sa problema. Haiiii.


    Is her promise possible if she continues to work in a club?


    Tandaan mo lang ang kasabihan, "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me."

  3. every good thing must come to an end.................................



    we had broken up for the reason that she feels that i am not prioritizing her anymore.


    here's what happened, early this morning i went to the school of my daughter to attend the recognition day.... i was'nt able to text and called her cause i am with my wife at that time. (my wife and i are still together but seldom we are talking cause she knows that have a mpa gf ) after the said event went to the office so i could be with her in the afternoon When i called her she got mad at me.... I told her that I just went to the event for my kid nothing more and that I will never be there anymore on her school events next year cause I will be leaving for SG this December to be with her. She said she was being less prioritized by me. Got mad and told me that it was over cause she cannot stand anymore just waiting for me to give her the time she deserves. I got shocked talked to her to think about her decision but to no avail she has really decided to call it quits........ I LOVE HER so much but she gave up on me today. I guess it was really not meant to be. I feel so down. I sacrificed my relationship with my wife to be with her,now all i have is myself I really don't understand. I sent her a text message saying I am letting her go cause I dont want her to feel least prioritized,less loved even if it breaks my heart..... GOD help me........... I LOVE U BABE BUT I AM WILLING TO LET U GO FOR YOUR HAPPINESS AND PEACE OF MIND.


    Please help me guys.......... Please


    It appears very clear that she is selfish and inconsiderate. Just forget about her and move on with your life. Good luck!

  4. Is Mon Fernandez still in Cebu? I heard he's still running the same restaurant that we visited around 4 years ago in Cebu area


    Yes, he's based in Cebu. He has re-married. Not sure if the Tisoy restaurant is still around, but he has a new business venture, bottled vinegar called Suka Ni El Presidente.

  5. Wow, lengthy post... clear sign that you're really new to the scene and nahulog ka na nga sa MPA mo. Your well-intended but misplaced idealism will be your own undoing, young man. Wake up!


    BTW, you're about to get off-topic. Gawa ka na lang ng bagong thread for that. Baka masita ka pa ng mga moderators dito. Peace. Out! :)



    kenichi, brother, and everyone else,


    maraming salamat sa inyo, not that you laid it out rather MATTER OF FACTLY, medyo naiintindihan ko na. Admitedly, I really am very fond of the girl, and indeed i wasnt seeing things clearly and in this instant she really had a choice---granted that the money is not going to be as good, but it would had been enough, BUT she has to earn it, the traditional way, which may be a harder way....


    but i would think, out of every 1000 mpas in the industry, there will be a handful who would have taken the offer or who will be happy that there is such an option. I now its not easy, I sterted doing research, and below is an interesting article I found--thought I share as these discussions may lead to something... in my experience, when things are talked about, sometimes it can lead to something..



    well, given that I found my self in this scene, and really moved and have a little bit of understanding of teh fate f some of the mpas (thanks to kenichi, muttley this blog) given time I think I will be in a position to talk to people who can set up programs for mpas, etc.. who wants OUT OF THE INDUSTRY, it may be a long shot or a long term project but I believe it is worth a try...



    I notice a lot of the gents here, really care for the mpas etc... I feel this is a good way to at least get ideas and see where it takes us; THE MAIN IDEA BEING: An independent program, institution, NGO (independent from the government) with a mission of giving opportunities for women in the sex industry to 1. Gain knowledge about their self (psychologically, and practical knowledge of selves, support system) and let them know that THEY DO HAVE CHOICES, it will not be easy but there is a way out 2. Educate: either vocational, or practical skills in business, or other skills 3. Assist and guide them if they so desire to transition out of teh industry.



    I know a lot of the men here, have also gotten to know their mp's and some also cares for them, BE NICE TO HAVE AN MPA JOIN US IN THIS DICUSSION, participation in this discussion, I know the above is ambitious and not easy to achieve but I believe that anything is possible, we can have something very positive come out of these sharing of of ideas and discussions... we at least have to try... THANKS AND LOOKING FORWARD TO READING EVRYONE ELSE'S THOUGHTS.... salamat po.









    They say that the only thing that is easy about prostitution is getting into it. Leaving the lifestyle is anything but easy.


    “Entry into prostitution is ‘easy’ because it requires no skills or formal training; payment is instant; and a person can earn every day and trade anywhere, anytime. But exiting is extremely difficult for most people, as much as they may hate what they are doing,” says Bruwer.


    The reasons for this are varied and complex, much like the reasons people turn to prostitution in the first place.


    “Economic desperation, childhood sexual abuse and substance addiction are among the many reasons men and women get into prostitution. Prostitution is a means of survival, which might ward off starvation or support an addiction, but it doesn’t empower people nor help heal their hurts. In fact, it is disempowering and causes more damage.”


    Because of the abusive and inherently harmful nature of prostitution, prostituted people have a mortality rate 40 times higher than the average person. They suffer from serious physical, emotional and mental health issues – from trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety to self-mutilation and dissociative disorder.


    “This psychological and spiritual damage makes it very difficult for people to leave the lifestyle. And more often than not there isn’t a supportive family structure or safety net for them to fall back on.


    “In fact, because of sexual abuse, especially in childhood, there is this belief that prostitution is all the person is good for.”


    Truter says that sexual abuse effectively grooms people for prostitution. Based on the experience of working with prostituted people in Cape Town over the past 30 years, Straatwerk estimates that 75% of women entering prostitution as adults and 95% of women entering as children or teenagers have been sexually traumatized before entering prostitution.


    “This results in the thinking that says, ‘I’ve already been used and abused; it was done to me. Now I’m choosing to have it done to me and now I am in control. Now I’m getting money or some form of compensation for it.’

    “Our society says that if somebody gives permission it’s not abuse. But if the permission is given out of brokenness, it is abuse. But we believe that prostitution is by definition abusive.”


    Bruwer says that of the many hundreds of prostituted people that she has worked with, none plan to stay in prostitution permanently, yet few manage to get out and stay out.


    “They try to leave but return because it’s their only way to survive. And many don’t survive. Their bodies are found in the sea, shot, stabbed, choked, beaten.”


    Ultimately the underlying problems that drive people into prostitution need to be addressed, says Truter. But as long as there are people in prostitution in Cape Town, Straatwerk will reach out to them and invite them out. By offering friendship and a willingness to journey with people who want to leave prostitution, Straatwerk helps people find healing and the strength to negotiate their own way out.


    “Because each individual is different, our ‘programme’ is different in each person’s life. For example, we’ve been walking a road with a man who we have known for 10 years who only recently decided to leave. Whereas we chatted with one woman just once and she made a decision to get out, and so our involvement in her life was brief.”


    Helping people out of prostitution is, however, usually a long-term, intricate process. It entails caring for the whole person – the emotional, social, physical and spiritual self.


    “The client needs to be actively involved in the process and to take ownership of and responsibility for their lives. Reconciliation with family members is usually required as well as a high level of accountability.


    “We have learnt that it is best for people to stay near to their families and communities while they are in recovery, so that they can integrate what they learn into their daily lives. It’s also important for them to integrate into caring groups where they are at all times receiving and giving. Serving is foundational in the healing process.


    “Specific areas of growth need to be addressed, such as addictions, and people need to find an alternative way of generating an income. Very often they will need to be taught a skill or a trade.”


    Straatwerk offers skills training and exposure to alternative employment by way of a volunteer programme. By taking part in the skills training and the volunteer programme, participants can generate an income.


    Straatwerk used to provide accommodation to women in prostitution, but no longer does. “We don’t have all the answers and we aren’t sure that a residential facility is the answer. It’s not ideal to have one entity meeting all of the person’s needs. For example, if we are reaching out and taking in people and counselling them and then caring for them, they can easily become dependent – which is not our goal. We want to help people to become independent.”


    Straatwerk is a Christian organisation that seeks to mobilise the church at large to reach out to people in need.


    “They say that it takes a community to raise a child. Similarly we believe that it takes a whole community to love people back to life.


    “Everyone is gifted in a unique way, so we invite you to join us. If you like speaking to strangers, or making people feel welcome, or cooking for others, then you are qualified to serve.”




    With the above said, I'm wrestling DO I JUST GIVE UP ON HER? there should be a way to get through her, but she has to WANT IT TOO... EITHER WAY I want to understand... we all know the risk of working in the flesh trade are, physically and in her psyche, it can really ruin her life if she stays long... more insights appreciated, if anyone you has an mpa friend here, please paki sabi join the discussion, maybe we'll understand it more....


    thanks all and talk soon...


    I think you should. Don't complicate yourself by playing the white knight. It will bite you back in the end.


    I can appreciate what you're going through, being new to the scene and all. Ika nga, been-there-done-that. In the end, I've learned its best to just keep things friendly and professional. Most have become good friends as a result.

  7. Let me expand on my earlier post. You barely know her, kahit na sabihin mong araw-araw mong pinupuntahan yung babae. Its really best not to pursue the matter.


    Most of the answers you seek are already posted in this thread, if you only care to backread staring at the first page.


    Bottomline: If you wish to help her out, dagdagan mo na lang yung tip na binibigay mo.

  8. My taste is very simple. What happened to Racks in the Philippines? My taste is that of an ordinary American folk in the countryside. I always get baby back ribs of Racks (in any US outlet) despite my gf's protest


    Racks is still very much around. It kinda floundered many years ago due to poor management, forcing the original owner to sell to anyone interested. The Prieto Group (Shakey's Philippines) bought the brand a few years ago and slowly rebuilt the brand.

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