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Posts posted by kenshin11

  1. citibank sent me a platinum card....credit limit is only 130k++, not for anything else parang insulto sakin, my wife has a gold citibank card and her credit limit is around 300k....what give's????

    The platinum card cost 3 times the gold card because of more benefits. Even for sake of argument you do not pay the annual due of Php 7,500 on the first year, second year up you will. My theory is that giving you Platinum card maybe gives the account executive more credit and commissions.

  2. any price infos on the different rides? i.e. banana boat, paraw, etc.tnx


    and also what are the must try food places here? thanks.

    There is a lot of resto at The Mall. My favorite is ARIA where they serve good italian food. Most resort especializes on ihaw ihaw. You can also go to the talipapa (market), buy fresh sea food and have them cook it with small cooking charges. Dampa style.

  3. Just came from Seoul Korea. Tour package takes you to all the nice places and eat all the different Korean food and shopping. Shopping in Korea goes late into the night with areas even open after midnight. Things are quire pricy though. If you love Korean novella, you will appreciate places you see. Night life is busy with Karaoke and bars. I mostly enjoyed the cultural experience, weather and the clean surrounding that we don't experience here. Shopping are in Itaewon, Tongdemun and Myung Dong.

  4. A rolex is a rolex. The price is always going up especially now that gold price has double its value. It is always worth it because it is very durable. More durable than any fashion accesory you wear. The fake one you can tell when put side by side. But to me, it doesn't matter. I wear a rolex watch because it tells good time.

  5. With the price of gasoline, which ever is nearer. If I want to go to buy something I need fast and do not plan to shop, I go direct to a stand alone store or restaurant, because just to park and go around waste time and gasoline.

  6. It depends on your life style. I would use the last salary you will have before you retire adding 8% every year for inflation. To prepare for it, you have to start setting up your retirement fund to provide for your current income. After 3 years, recompute for changes and fill in any Gap in your fund, do not relay only on government or company provided retirement fund. It might also be wise to invest in other currency to lessen the impact of inflations. This can be done by foreign denominated mutual funds. Just remember that your retirements funds should be long term and do not touch it.

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