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Posts posted by Novice

  1. I'd like to thank my teachers, because they're part of the reason why I'm where I'm at right now.


    I'd like to thank my family for being there for me always, even though I don't confide my problems to them (or is that with them), just the thought of them being there for me makes me feel safe.


    I'd like to thank my friends for being good brothers/sisters to me. Once I know you, I can't/won't forget you. You'll always be a part of me where ever I am.

  2. novice i am into baguazhang for the past 4 months. hope have the patience to continue. it is private tutoring. hindi sigurado if i make the cut. in my earlier years i studied modern arnis for 3yrs in their quiapo gym. and was later introduced to cinco teros style arnis. i also know a little boxing and combat judo.

    Cool! As for me I trained in freestyle kickboxing for some months at a gym near our place and I have a couple of months of grappling training. If you don't mind me asking, what's baguazhang?

  3. boys, meron ba sa inyo na magko-compete sa URCC? most of my gym buddies would like to join (mostly instructors). ako dehins sasali. sayang naman ang gwapo kong mukha :)


    to those who are planning to join and are already undergoing training, how's your training? :)

    Mike V, I know the matchmaker for the URCC. Just PM me and I'll give you his contact number. :cool:


    BTW, what martial arts are your gym buddies training in?

  4. sorry novice pero nasa don bosco mandaluyong na pala. His name is Bong abenir teaches FMA kalis Ilustrisimo and pencka silat. contact number 531-666 ask if he knows someone in the makati area.

    Thanks bro, I read an article before in Rapid Journal that they have Pencak Silat classes in Manda. I'll just give him a call if ever I have time to train.


    BTW smart-ass, what arts are you currently training? Cheers!

  5. try the gym at don bosco makati. look for gym instructor( his name escapes for the moment) but he is the only one there who teaches chinese internal martial arts like tai chi, hsing-i and baguazhang. he also teaches filipino martial arts.

    I used to study in DBTI Makati. Maybe this PE instructor is new, because the teachers there during my time didn't teach FMA.


    smart-ass, do you have any idea as to what type of FMA the PE instructor teaches and if you happen to remember his name can you please PM it to me? Thanks.

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