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Posts posted by Suicide_boy

  1. ... but while we're on the topic of EB's, why don't we set one? i propose either this coming monday (aug 25) or wednesday (aug 27) night around 8 PM at either Shell Fort, Pier 1 Fort or Starbucks Rockwell... or we could meet at one of these places and ride as a group to the others.


    what do you guys think? i need your input guys.

  2. 14 pages and still, no actual concrete accounts or any indications that neither proves nor disproves the existence of hidden cams in motel rooms.


    i'm actually considering the idea of keeping all the hanky-panky activity in the secure confines of my parked (switched off) car in the motel garage instead of in the room itself just to avoid the prying eyes of hidden cameras.


    For the good of the entire MTC community, we want names and places people!

  3. bluetwist: you can have that done at pretty much any motor shop, but just to be sure, why don't you go over to Mang Danny's shop on pasong tamo or Bahrok's shop near Intel Inc so they could refer you to a reputable shop for motorcycles. Their exact addresses and contact numbers can be found on motorcyclephilippines.com. Hope this helps. :glasses:


    Blasted weather! i've been itching to take the ponies out for a few laps around the neighborhood all month. :angry:

  4. UGOY-UGOY: great big band with hot, sexy vocalist lynn sherman! awesome horn section. pure talent.


    Razorback: Great rock and roll group. awesome guitars.


    Q & A: awesome show band. great repertoire. awesome singers and rhythm section. great horns too.

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