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Posts posted by BreakAndInsert6977

  1. hehehe... i never liked wrestling

    but after playing smackdown vs raw on my brothers PSP..

    im considering buying it on the ps2.... hehehhehe...

    Can you smell what the rock is cooking???


    Naiinis ako sa kaniya. :lol: As in dati pa sa SmackDown 2 sa PS, kapag narinig ko music niya, bad trip kaagad ako at ginaganahan akong i-spam ang Powerbomb sa kaniya. :lol:

  2. Nokia 7373.


    Excellent phone. Series 40 OS, expandable memory (I use a 2GB SanDisk MicroSD). The 2MP camera is ok, takes great shots when you have the sun out. the night mode's ok, but I wish it had a flash. The leather battery cover is nice. I suppose I needn't say that the phone looks devastatngly secksy?

  3. Don't ask outright noh, it seems awkard. Unless you can think up a good scam, :lol:. I think you should talk to the person first, and then just casually ask for the number. People usually respond well to self-confidence. Most important thing to remember would be that if you don't ask, it's already a NO.

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