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Posts posted by dos8dos

  1. The reasoning of either the very shallow, or the lover of the corrupt. No other way about it.


    If the incumbent does badly, THERE IS NO LAW anywhere that says the only option is to go back. There are gazillions of other options. But if you don't think, then yes, you will only go by name recall.


    Oh, and this admin is so incompetent that it made us the fastest rising economy in Southeast Asia. I will take incompetent anytime over shallow and corrupt.


    How can anyone be so angry that his country's economy is doing well?


    STUPIDITY hating perceived INCOMPETENCE

  2. WICKED BOAT was torpedoed last week and was hit damn GOOD. listing before the 2nd VP debate the WICKED CREW opted for DAMAGE CONTROL until the 2nd torpedo HIT again in the ABSENCE of their CAPTAIN it blew right in their faces


    thank GOD the WICKED BOAT is SINKING..lets BEAT EVIL

  3. any one here has the full body pics of the new fortuner? front, back and side view?


    is it true na same engine eto as chevrolet trailblazer ?


    Also why do car manufacturers charge a premium amount for their white variant?


    White fortuner is the most expensive among the line, White honda civic is also most expensive, why is that



    What colors make white?
    Quick Answer
    White is produced when all colors of the visible spectrum are combined. These colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. They are the colors of the rainbow and can be easily remembered by the mnemonic ROY G BIV.
  4. Olats ata yung postpaid ng globe kaya nagshift ako sa prepaid para madaling bitawan. Nagtry ako ng sun at smart pero sa area namen mas mabilis parin yung globe kaya dun padin...


    postpaid is a rip off..one can get more from prepaid..if you know what service to avail (unli surf for a day), when to avail (noon time because data cap gets reset at midnight)


    this way one can get more than 1GB of data per day which is a far cry from what postpaid plans offer


    when you reach the data cap expect your mobile broadband to be throttled by the provider. once throttled your internet connection is just good for chatting or other txt application, voice & video applications are pretty useless


    torrent download is controlled to a maximum speed of 20 kbps

  5. I recommend apple if you love apps. They are most of the time first in releasing the apps.


    I am an android user btw


    its always android first because apple is more stringent in reviewing apps

    ios for the sheer looks of it (pamporma lang)


    android for FUNCTIONALITY (swiss knife)


    windows is a foregone conclusion (too late in the game)

  6. Isn't it that it was during GMA's term when the Hamilton class cutter was requisitioned? And it was during her term when the search for Lead-in Fighter-Trainer was on-going?

    In my opinion, BS Aquino is only enjoying the results of modernization that was initiated during the time of previous administrations of FVR, Erap, and GMA.


    What I can say for sure is this: Kinapon ang AFP during Cory's time. It was during that time when our soldiers were sent to combat wearing t-shirts and flip-flops, and even situations when they had to buy their own bullets. The military's morale was at the lowest during her term. Remember the time when she even asked the US President to order the US Air Force to shoot down our own planes?


    glory denied those requests, we were pawned to china remember with joint seismic agreement, together with other chinese funded govt project like the NBN-ZTE and north rail


    it was during corys term that the S211 trainer jets were requested and acquired (brand new) for the phil air force

  7. Armageddon over some disputed islands with vast quantities of crude underneath. Still, China is probably doing a cost-benefit analysis on whether the huge reservoir of oil and natural gas underneath the South China Sea/East Philippine Sea is worth getting into a shooting war with the US and its allies.


    again this is based on an assumption that an ammo shot at the japs is tantamount to an ammo shot at the US which will automatically drag the americans into the fray. this manner of thinking is at best flawed


    the chinese are edging into a position that they can engage japan in a shooting war. the tell tale signs are there ADIZ, intrusions on the disputed islands. they also expect that the US will not intervene immediately because the japs are very much capable of defending themselves


    japs vs china will be a good fight for the americans to observe, this goes to show that american initial participation in this conflict will be in the pretext of intelligence gathering. determinig actual chinese tactics will be a valuable information before they put their own boys into harms way


    phil vs china will be a cakewalk. the only thing that the americans will watch out for is the mettle of the filipinos to fight a lopsided tilt. that will be their gauge whether its worth to entrust their high tech weapons to our soldiers in the future

  8. a direct conflict between china and the US would draw lines in the sand


    NATO automatically goes with the US

    Syria, Iran, et. al. will go China, Russia probably will too

    NoKor will go Chinese

    Pakistan will go Chinese

    India will go where Pakistan isn't


    so yeah it might lead to a global conflict. Both China and the US (when they intervene) will have to maneouver this gingerly. Both countries know the consequences of going nuclear. But some of the allied countries might not care. Pakistan and India for instance, those two have just been chomping at the bit for a reason to launch. Something as big as this might be it.


    the risk of armageddon far outweighs the benefit of maintaining national pride of their (US) regional allies' with this island dispute together with the purported mineral deposits


    dont go way ahead pitting china & USA, its far fetch, both power will play this new cold war SMARTLY

  9. I agree with you that the Chinese are stronger economically and militarily than during W's time but that fact notwithstanding, the Chinese military would need a prayer to actually beat its US counterpart.


    To answer your question and in my opinion, the US will intervene as a last resort should the Chinese push it further by sinking ships and shooting down planes in its self-proclaimed "no fly" zone. One international incident would be enough, in my opinion, to make the US deploy a super carrier in the area where the incident took place.


    we all need to PRAY should china & the US engage each other directly because of the possibility of an escalation short of a nuclear exchange is not remote, that will be ARMAGEDDON


    both side will be cautious to get embroiled in this conflict to avert the unthinkable the sight of a mushroom cloud rising over each others horizon


    it will be china pitted against US allies (eg japan, taiwan, philippines) with the US relegated to logistical support


    MDT is often misconstrued as fighting an allies war, realistically its simply coming to aid an ally in case of an attack. under this circumstances (looming doom) US versus china the best thing to meet US obligation is to aid an ally logistically at first


    this premise is limited in case of an armed conflict with the disputed islands alone

  10. Bro I'm not familiar with what an electronic eye is. What does it do? And how does it work? Tried researching about it on google but the electronic eye that was featured in google was about commercial security systems for companies and businesses.


    Obviously the electronic eye you are referring to has military applications.


    a secure facility for monitoring electronic communications..so the americans will know where the first shot will originate from with minimal delay unlike with satellite which is plagued with delays

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