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Posts posted by dos8dos

  1. here's what i observed lately. Yes, photography has become a fad once again. dSLRs have become the latest fashion accessory of the year. People buy and treat it like it was a point and shoot without realizing the intricacies of the art. i'm not saying that only Pro's should buy but at least LEARN how to use it.


    agxo3 is right. Shooting without really understanding what's happening is not the way to do it. Take lessons, ask photographers, READ! Like in any art from, it takes patience, time and effort to understand the basics. Even professional photographers will tell you that it's a continuous process of learning.


    just my two centavos worth galing sa isang newbie.





    if an aspiring individual who have already bought a DSLR has or not have any basic knowledge of photography then make it a point to read the manual that comes with the camera


    if you are experienced photographer most of the terms used in the manuals are already familiar to them


    if you are inexperienced try to understand the terminologies used in the manual by checking the glossary section of www.dpreview.com

  2. hi peeps!


    I just started taking interest in Photography. Any suggestions where i could take pictures in metro manila? Im also planning to get a new camera, i have a cannon eos 350d, is it ideal to switch to nikon, olympus or stick to cannon?




    CANON is #1 in digital fotography technology, why switch?


    my personal choice is Nikon

  3. I think pacquiao should fight either marquez or valero next. Soto and Guzman are not on their level. Fight the best in your division MANNY! Arum sucks!


    takot si marquez kay pacman, nakaswerte lang sya ng una kasi hindi pa nakaburlington si pacman nun

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