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Posts posted by grayle

  1. that's a big trouble for me....something went wrong, if you don't have sex for 1 month....maybe he's hiding something or not satisfied anymore....(unless if there is a physical reason)....


    Naprapraning ka lang siguro. Even when I'm in a relationship, 1 month is kinda short. It's not the quantity but the quality. You could spend 3, even 6 months waiting for that special someone to have sex with, but yung kapalit is just the 2 of you and a weekend (or even a week) in a nearly deserted beach resort...


    Hmm, diba yung movie na Pirate's of the Caribbean: At World's End, Turner could only set foot on dry land for one day every 10 years at sea? But hey, if I had Elizabeth Hurley to myself for that one day, I'd almost be tempted to agree to those terms. :thumbsupsmiley:

  2. Glad to see this thread's still alive and kicking after all these years.


    WARNING: The following movie contains disturbing themes and scenes. If you can't stand gore or perverse human reasoning, or you throw up easily, don't bother watching it. If you have a strong stomach and you have a morbid fascination with the dark side of the human psyche, watch it.


    Butterfly -- A Grimm Love


    Disturbing, but something about the film just glued me to the set. The fact that it was based on real events may have disgusted and intrigued me even more.

  3. I am married to the woman I love so much...However, I found someone who happens to be satisfying...now I am in trouble...I cannot be equally sharing my time for both of them...much more my LOVE...


    I hope you don't have kids yet. If there are no kids in the picture, it's still possible to rectify your mistake. If there are, think of them instead of yourself. You've had ample time to think of yourself. Now is the time to think of your kid's sake and not your own.


    Remember, new love (no matter how shallow it is) will always feel like true love. Simply because you haven't felt any emotion towards anyone else but your wife in such a long time. If you must, take more time to examine both your relationships. I'm sure you'll find that you truly love your wife more than the girl you just met.

  4. ... it is as fleeting as the wind. She can love you today, and hate you tomorrow.


    ... sometimes when people start to feel it, they shy away from it, specially if they've been hurt before. They don't want to experience it because they feel they don't deserve it or that doing so betrays the relationship that ended so long ago.


    ... can be the greatest aphrodisiac... and the most bitter poison.

  5. Paano kung yung guy eh old enough to be your dad, tapus mukha namang indi gold digger yung girl, and yung guy naman isn't merely looking for a trophy wife? How would you explain the attraction? Perfect example nito is yung 29-yo councillor from Valenzuela, si Shalani Soledad, whose bf now is the 51-yr old Noynoy Aquino. YES, THAT NOYNOY AQUINO na kapatid ni Kris.


    My own experience with older women: nung elementary school ako, I used to send roses to a favorite guidance counsellor. Head over heels talaga ako nun sa kanya. Everyone in my batch knew it, and I was unashamed! Haha! Makes me laugh upon recollection. It didn't go further than that, though, dahil torpe pa ako nun at may bf si ma'am.


    Regarding me with younger women: I was once introduced to this 17-yr-old girl whose mom had "pre-approved" me dating her after she turned 18 dahil yung isang auntie ko guaranteed I was a good boy (hihi). Feeling ko sobrang layo ng age gap namin nun; I was 30 then, and parang indi siya maka-jive pag seryosong topic na pinaguusapan (ex., politics, economy, world events), pero we blended well pag mababaw lang pinag-uusapan (ex, showbiz, health and fitness, grooming). On several levels, parang ayaw talaga mag-advance nung relationship kahit papanong tulak, so I opted to remain just friends with her. She texts me once in a while to say hello and I do likewise, but we never went out after the two weekends we spent together.


    So Noynoy's situation makes me really curious: "NOY, ano bang meron mo at parang tugma kayo ng isang 29-yo girl?" LOL :)


    Well, not everyone's gonna be the future president of the Philippines... :rolleyes:


    Come to think of it, every male president of the Philippines in recent years has something distinctly scandalous that they are "good at". You really think Bill Clinton's little soiree with the intern would cause so much hype in this country? The guys in this country would probably be cheering him on like they do with Paquiao and Krista. :P

  6. Flings are a waste of time, if what you mean by a fling is having another person for a few weeks that you can f#&k on a regular basis. Either oyur in a serious relationship or your not. If you wanna have fun with each other, why do oyu have to drag in all these titles and labels when all your doing is having sex with someone your not in love with (at all in the worse case, yet in the best case).

  7. Seen this somewhere:


    Looks and height - Do They Matter To Women?

    This is the most frequent question that guys really wonder about. Do you need to be tall, dark and handsome to attract a beautiful girl? The answer may surprise you. But it's a definite no. With a man a woman's looks are very important. A woman is more interested in what you're like on the inside than on the outside. But if a woman has no idea about your character or personality she will be apt to judge you on your looks.

    Let's not fool ourselves. If you happen to be good looking it will be to your advantage. Good looks do attract a woman's attention. But women are more interested in what a man is like and not really hung up on beautiful faces the way a man is. If you could gain a woman's interest it matters very little what you look like.


    In relationships, it still doesnt matter, the only topic wherein height matters is in way hieght causes intimidation to others therefore makes the ladies who are with him feel secured.


    Depends what your plans are for the girl. If your into a serious relationship, babies, and marriage, then there's the proverbial leeway. But if all your after is a quick romp in the sack, hell YA looks are important to women! :thumbsupsmiley:

  8. OT:men really have this innate talent in cheating & lying, too bad they're not that good in hiding it. is it congenital? joke :D


    women, if your man's cheating, don't worry, YOU WILL KNOW. -_- you may not know it right then & there but u will know, eventually. and believe me, so long as you know how to play the game, you will have the last laugh. ;)


    Not to be blunt about the subject, but I haven't been caught yet (except once, and that one time I really allowed myself to be caught so I could end a relationship with a clingy ex). I don't cheat on my serious GF's, but for girls who are possessive even if we're just going out on dates, or think there's something more to than having sex on the weekends, yeah I make it a point to be very discreet and meticulous at hiding my dirt. Guys, just be conscious about where everything is, always have a good alibi, and don't be afraid to play on emotions because women are emotional creatures. If you can pluck they're emotional strings and make them feel guilty about doubting you, or set it up that they were wrong about doubting you, you can have them eating out of your hand in no time. :evil:

  9. Fastest was... let's see, 30 minutes?


    It was a few years ago in Where Else, I was with my best friend and we were scouting out the place. Saw this girl dancing on the floor and I swear we locked on each other gazes like we were the only two people in the room. So I kept looking at her from the bar, playing the silent, mysterious, dark and brooding guy. I saw her move for the bar, right next to me (concidence? I think not). I introduced my self casually and asked her if she was with anyone. This francine prieto lookalike (same height as well, I swear) said she was with her best friend and her boyfriend. I invited her to hit the dance floor and we started bumping and grinding. Guess she got turned on cuz she was asking me if we could get out of the club for a cup of coffee. That did it, it was smooth sailing from there.

  10. It really depends... it's on a case to case basis. Generally, if the break up was mutual and you parted ways in good terms, you'll have nothing but fond memories of that person. But if the breakup was bad and there was some really bitter and unresolved issues in the relationship, then the tendency to hate that person with a vengeance. :flowers:

  11. OT: it's funny though that the chick pornstars act like their cooter is getting torn apart everytime the japanese dude is going to town.


    NON - OT:


    height shouldn't matter when you have these babies:





    OT: I remember this South Park episode, the japanese were trying to take over the world and the americans were letting them do it because everytime the americans got a mob together and tried to assault the japanese forces, the japanese would praise the americans for how big their penises were. Basically, the americans handed the japanese the world, as long as it was recognized that americans had bigger packages than the japs.


    Non-OT: Yeah, I can seriously see this coming back along with polyester.

  12. Random Thought - does height and size of the weiner have a correspondence?


    Because if it did... and it were inversely proportional then.... :rolleyes:



    There are alot of old wives tales about that certain thing. Like big feet, a big adam's apple, broad shoulders, etc. When it comes to height, I doubt it. Certainly african-american NBA players are some of the tallest people on eart, and we all know what people say about blacks... :rolleyes:

  13. I'm 6' 1", and it's hard to be with a girl who's not at least 5'6" unless she's the type of girl who likes wearing heels. Actually, I had a couple of girlfriends who were 5'4" but they love wearing heels so it all worked out well. But if not, no, it's a big turnoff for me.

  14. Yes it changes everything.

    #1 She can never be my #1 wife.

    #2 She can be my #2 wife, #3 wife, mistress etc.

    #3 That would mean she lied to me because the very first thing I clear up with a girl I am interested in is virginity. Only virgins are #1 wife material for me.


    Unless I was a vrigin as well, why would I expect the same from my wife? To the moderator above who says he won't consider a girl who's not a virgin to be wife material, I hope your a virgin as well because she can easily tell you your not husband material as well cuz your also "DAMAGED GOODS!"


    And yes, I am calling you out on being a sexist.

  15. I agree on points 1 and 2... on point 3 however... it can also happen that because the lady came from a broken family, she will try harder to make the relationship work... That can be both a good and a bad thing, depending on the extreme it is taken to.


    For me ... if I were a guy, I would avoid women who are dense and slow on the uptake... I doubt if I would have the patience to explain things over and over to a woman like this so ... for her sanity and mine (more mine than anything else), ill just stay away.




    Unfortunately for me, I have yet to experience a girl with the above mentioned quality of trying harder. Usually they're usually the first ones to let go. Again, I'm not generalizing. Ms. Wyld, if there are girls like that out there then the world is a better place. But as for me, I can only base it off what I've experienced so far.


    I agree with your second take. Being with a girl who I can't relate to on an intellectual level is frustrating, to say the least. Not being able to discuss about anything higher than what fashion is in for this season and who America's next top model is gonna be makes me wanna shoot myself in the head. I remember I was on a date with this girl and we watched that new SUNSHINE movie. My god, she didn't understand anything about the movie, or the plot. I kept explaining things that usually belonged to a 2nd year high school classroom. Needless to say, I never went out with her again.

  16. Signals that will make me say "See Ya!" in a heartbeat:


    1. She doesn't offer to pay for the bill after the 2nd or 3rd date. Naturally, I would insist in paying, but a woman who expects everything to be shouldered by the boyfriend/hubby... That's not your reflection in her eyes, those are $ signs.


    2. She's an ex-gf of someone I know, or she has a reputation for being easy. These kinds of girls are good for ONS, SEBS, and FUBUs. Trying to turn this into a serious relationship is like buying a 767 for the peanuts.


    3. Parents are divorced / seperated. Not to generalize, but based on experience, all the girls I've met who's got this kind of family situation always has some personality issues or stigmas. It's like hitting myself in the head with a hammer.

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