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Posts posted by grayle

  1. My motivation for clubbing (and I don't mean the swanky kind with GROs in them) is to unwind after a hard week at work with friends. It's a chance to let the stress out and talk about the week with friends. Do I sometimes bump into acquaintances or my friend's acquaintances during these nights? Sure I do. Both men and women go to these places to be noticed, and that usually involves showing off their best features. That doesn't mean that these places are morally wrong. It all boils down to why your there. If your there for the sole purpose of hooking up and taking someone home, then by all means that's immoral. But if I'm there just to unwind and party with my friends, I don't see how that could be any worse than going to Boracay with them and hanging out on the beach.

  2. I did this before, if only because my current gf that time wasn't giving me attention or time. On the plus side, it gave me a point of comparison between how my current gf was treating me (for granted) and how this other girl valued the time I gave her. Eventually I broke things off with my gf, and jumped ship. It wasn't a decision I regretted. I was happier with the next girl.

  3. I'm friendly - I guess you could say I like selling someone else than selling myself.


    But when I've zeroed in on a girl I really, really like and I'm really comfortable with - I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic and a sweet talker. I'm not like that with everyone though, so I guess you can't label me a flirt.

  4. There were reports that in the Floyd-Sugar fight, the last blood taken from the two fighters came 18 days before the fight. Of course, that's the very principle of random testing - where you wouldn't know when exactly the tests would be conducted.


    My question though is what advantage will a fighter have if he was to take PED's two weeks before the fight? For what I know, PED's will give a fighter the edge during the actual training and it wouldn't help if you take at with just two weeks remaining. Likewise, how long does the PED's stay in one's body without being detected? If the fighter indeed is taking illegal substances, how long can he take this before the fight? Note that both fighters have agreed to be drawn with blood right after the fight. If that's the case, what does Floyd Mayweather, Jr. really want to establish?


    He's a chickenshit. Pumayag na nga si Pacman sa demands niya, ngayon iibahin niya? He's scared. No denying it.

  5. Some girls are really conservative. Sometimes they'll let you, sometimes they'll even initiate it themselves, sometimes there's this invisible barrier between you guys that shouts "OFF LIMITS"...


    It's up to us to read the signs. In my experience though, the girls who don't wanna be kissed on the first date are 2 extreme sides of the coin:


    Either they are so into you that they want to take it slow so that you respect them and a serious relationship can come out of it or...


    They just don't like you. Which is why they refuse to kiss you. Make sure you look presentable and you brush your teeth/gargle next time. haha ;)

  6. It's not the baby that's the problem for me, it's the fact that she cheated...


    It's her mess, and though I love her, she should clean it up. I'm the one who was victimized, and she expects me to treat her child from the guy she cheated with respect? Sorry, I'm not a saint.

  7. this thread is funny. :) So when a girl flaunts her cleavage at you, you totally miss that and look for the eyes?


    If she was wearing a face veil, then definitely look for the eyes. You guys are probably from the middle east. :wacko:


    If the girl flaunts a certain part of her body, then obviously she wants men to notice that. Guess what, men will.


    But if it was a girl dressed in clothes you'd normally see of the street, then I stand by my first post. The face is the most appealing for me.

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