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Posts posted by bufferoverflow

  1. What's a sonar LE and what's a VST? Saka is there a site you can recommend that can help me set-up my own home recording stuff? Thanks in advance...

    Sonar is what's usually called a DAW or digital audio workstation. A few other popular ones are ableton live, logic and even garage band. DAWS essentially allow you to mix and master various tracks together to complete a song. A VST is essentially a plugin standard for DAWs so these add additional capabilities. Typically, these can either be instruments (like synthesizers) or effects.


    Therecordingrevolution.com is a good resource. If you're starting out you'll need a reasonably powered PC, an audio interface for recording audio input and good pair of monitoring speakers or headphones and a DAW. You might also want to look into investing in a midi keyboard.

  2. its not really a weird arrangement but to ensure trust. i remember when my wife kept holding on to her old SIM ... she was 3 or 4 months pregnant with our first baby then. at first its to stay in touch with her hold friends so I didn't argue. one time as i was entering the bedroom, i saw her just standing in the middle of the room staring at her phone like she was trying to decide what to write. i asked what was wrong and she told me it was one of her former guest ... aalis daw ng bansa and will not be back so was asking her if he could see her again. since sinabi naman niya, i chose to simply say "sige finish your business with him" and left her to her thoughts. that particular guest, i have known about ... kwento nga niya na mabait at galante and treated her with respect. of course hurt ako non at gusto kong mangaway ... pero kailangan ko mag endure and i had to allow her to find her own resolve and to make her own decisions.


    she came a few minutes, hugged me, and just told me na tapos na ... didn't need to speak of it again ... past forgotten.


    she changed sim ultimately ... may mga guest na makulit talaga and a wife ng guest na nangaaway :)

    Wow. Saludo ako sa 'yo chief. I guess it really takes that level of maturity to make things work. You'll have to share your secret on how not to let that gnawing negative feeling affect you so much. Pero nakakatuwa na may ganitong klase kwento.

  3. From a price to amenities ratio perspective, Sur is pretty good on station 1. Their beachfront area isn't that big and they don't have a pool but they have a couple of cabanas in the front and the protective "barrier" doesn't reach their front area. I also like the way they've arranged their rooms and suites so there's a bit of privacy with the verandas per room.


    Boaracay Uptown on station 2 is OK if you want easy access to D'Mall and eateries, but for some reason it just doesn't have the same charm as the hotels in Station 1.


    If you have the cash to burn try Shangrila at least once. Private beach front. You have the option to get an electric buggy around the resort. (Pinoy's aren't fond of walking). Plus speedboat transfers. Oh and they have a regular shuttle going to station 2 and other points in the island. Good to experience at least once.

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