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Posts posted by StoneRhino

  1. Hello, certified gamer here. DnD, AD&D, V:TM and L5R.


    L5R being one of my favorites. I think I have all core books and modules er..."Archived" on my Hard Drive. along with AD&D 3.5(?)


    I also have around 2000 points of Iron Warriors for WH40k and A small Menoth Harbinger Army for WarMachine.


    If we can't meet up to play, who don't we do something like a Play by Post game? There are enough Online resources like dice rollers, etc. :D


    For those interested in an online RPG (It's set in the World Of The Legend of the Five Rings, btw) http://www.fiveringsonline.com/

  2. Dear Heart of Mine,


    I know that one-forth of you has become bigger that the other 3, and that sometimes you try to let me know by making me feel like a corkscrew's twisting its way into my left chest area.


    Please be assured that I will do everything I can to make sure that the strain I place upon you and your 3 other companions will be lessened as I will reduce my intake of quarter-pounders and milkshakes. I will also make sure you guys are in shape by waking up early and jogging 20 miles like I used to.


    Just don't k*ll me while I'm in the prime of my life. :D



  3. I don't think you should be blaming yourself like that...none of it was your fault...you were just being really nice to her...even treated her like a sister ... right? ( or maybe you're not telling us the whole story? :D ) ....she lead herself to believe in something that wasn't even real..."she assumed"...unless you've given her false hopes...or has taken advantage of her in some ways?....if that's the case...then you probably are what you say you are...a heartless bastard. :P


    That is correct. And hell no, I never took advantage of her in anyway whatsoever. (At that time I even looked/acted like Napoleon Dynamite so taking advantage of innocent little girls was way, waay, waaay above my station in highschool. ehehehe.)



  4. Yeah, well, I broke someone's heart not once, but twice. I treated her like a little sister since I am naturally malambing with my female friends. She assumed I loved her so she took a big leap and told me she loved me.


    I told her that no, I'm sorry but I had my heart set on someone else. I could hear her crying like a little girl on the phone as she hanged up. 1st time.


    A few months later she found out it was her bestfriend I had my heart set on. 2nd time.


    I am such a heartless bastard. :(

  5. A Song of Ice And Fire - Series By George R. R. Martin. There's about four books out now, with the fifth installment due sometime this year. Just don't get too attached to your favorite characters.


    The Dark Tower Series - Stephen King. Probably one of my most loved series since I grew up with the series. (I actually cried when Eddie bit the dust)

  6. Happy Holidays to Everyone!


    I would like to ask for help regarding a little problem


    A little background first:


    My mom died when I was in 3rd year highschool. A few years after that, my father remarried and had a son with my stepmom. They have a house of their own while I am living alone in the house that my mom and my dad built for us.


    Now, recently, I overheard a conversation between my stepmom and my dad, in which I heard that my stepmom is planning to sell/pawn the house I'm currently living in. I overheard her citing something along the lines of "..conjugal property, so whats half of yours is mine as well.." Of course, I can not allow that to happen. What are my options?


    > The title of the house and lot is in my dad's name. I would like to maybe transfer the title to my own name so that it will forever be safe from my stepmom's evil clutches. How would I go do that and how much would I be expected to spend?


    > Supposing she had already coerced my dad to pawn the house, would I have any options to retake the title from the pawnshop since it wasn't hers in the first place?


    Thank you very much everyone.

  7. Prisoner of your love - Yngwie Malmsteen


    My heart

    fell into the palms of your hands

    this love

    made me understand

    I've waited all my life for you

    thought i'd live and die alone

    enraptured by the beauty

    I'm a prisoner of your love

    enslaved by the passion

    I'm a prisoner of your love

    I'm wrapped around your finger

    like the ring on your hand

    I'm trapped

    by your love i'm yours, please understand

    I've waited all my life for you

    thought i'd live and die alone

    enraptured by the beauty

    I'm a prisoner of your love

    enslaved by the passion

    I'm a prisoner of your love

    enraptured by the beauty

    I'm a prisoner of your love

    enslaved by the passion

    I'm a prisoner of your love

    enraptured by the beauty

    I'm a prisoner of your love

    enslaved by the passion

    I'm a prisoner of your love.

  8. Alrighty, so one day, i decided to try this new prepaid card I saw that was offfering 25 hours for Php 100.


    I got one and immediately logged on. At first it was just a respectable 26.4 kbs so it wasn't much to write about. But while I was surfing, I noticed my network traffic slowly clogging up until I could hardly load pages anymore. Around that time I noticed an increasing series of pop-ups and other symptoms typical of spyware.


    I immediately Dc'd, then ran Adaware, Spybot and Ewido + Avg. Dear lord! my Pc was infected with atleast a dozen! including several trojans! Freaking hell. At first I thought it was just my bad luck so I clean everything and logged back on to the net. Lo and behold! still the same problem. Clogged network, spyware downloads,etc. All to no avail.


    Since i was tired of all this i opted to reformat my hard drive using killdisk. No program was left alive.


    So i reinstalled my windows, etc.


    I used the same card to log on to the net.


    BAM! Spyware, Trojans within the first five minutes of logging in. And i was just connecting to the Microsoft webpage.


    Take note everyone, before I used this card I didn't have anything of this magnitude happen to me. It all started with me using this card. A fresh, clean install of Windows XP with SP3, and it still bombed me with spyware.

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