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Posts posted by StoneRhino

  1. Sometimes,


    I fear for your sanity. And mine.

    If these were truly what lurks in the heart of men. (And women as well.)

    They say 1 out of 5 people is borderline insane. Think of 5 of your friends. Are they normal, or just acting normal?

    Who knows? Who knows what will happen next?


    The Shadow Knows

    (Can't resist. I just saw it on Cinemax) :evil:

  2. Dear Danaerys Tangaryen,


    I am awaiting your arrival with breathless anticipation. It has been a long, long time since I first read about you and your marriage to Khal Drogo, your subsequent rise, and fall, and then rise again to power over the cities across the ocean.


    Now, word has filtered back to us that you are on your way back to us with a fleet of warships and a legion of men. You are now set to conquer the rest of Westeros and some of your loyal followers such as I are ready to set the gears of war in motion as soon as you make landfall.


    The Dragon shall rise again, and everthing that stands in our way will be incinerated to nothing.



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