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Posts posted by StoneRhino

  1. The 1/100 Ground-Type Tieren is also one of my favorites. Since it's ungraded, I'd say it's somewhere between an HG and an MG. Good, solid feel to the model, and very excellent poseability and balance to it. I'm waiting for another sale so I can get some more Tierens to build an army. They're pricey at 1,700 SRP at Malls, and 1600 at greenhills.






    Left to right: TFTM Brawl, Figma Kanu Uchou, G.I.Joe Scarlet, TF:A Swoop and TFTM Offroad Ironhide.

  2. Just dabbling a little with building gunpla.I'm more of a transformers fan, but hey, robots are robots. :D I originally started out with the china KOs of the 1/144 endless waltz series about 8(?) years ago but the materials were too flimsy and brittle so after i finished them I just stashed them away in a shoebox somewhere.


    Fast forward several years later. With a better paying job and lots of free time, I got myself two of these to start off my small collection. :D


    MG 1/100 Unicorn Gundam, Ver Ka.

    Took me around a week to assemble this because my only tool was a nail clipper, a scalpel and fine sandpaper. The first kit I just snap built, and I am saving the second kit for when I have the skills to truly paint and give it justice.


    This is the undecal'd "normal" mode.

    Being plain white, it's not very visually appealing, even when I've panel-lined it a little.


    Psycho Mode

    Still with no decals yet, but I was too excited to see it in action.




    Decals, finally

    The thing with the Ver Ka gundams is, Hajime Katoki really, really likes his decals, and this one was no exception. There were two decal sheets included with this kit, all in around 2, maybe 3cm long. I had to apply them using two toothpicks and I am afraid I messed some of them up. Not too noticeable in the pics.



    My workspace.



    Some pics with his buddy, Ver Ka Crossbone Gundam and their muse, Revoltech Saber.




    And a group pic with a 1/144 Gundam 00 that I picked up while on sale.



    Eventually, I plan to build a collection of Ver. Ka Gundams. Next target would be the Sinaju, and the Wing Zero. I'm skipping the balls tho. :D

  3. http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d200/Shinjo_ed/Image026-1.jpg


    From Star Wars Miniatures: Clone Strike.


    That's basically all the bad guys plus Aurra Sing and Zam Wessel.


    One Darth Maul is still in original plastic.

  4. It's been almost 2 years since I last saw you guys. And not together. The last time I saw you both together was the time we three decided to take a trip to some island waterfall resort. And now, of course I don't know why, but you guys just popped into my mind all of the sudden.


    Ade, perhaps I just missed the way you used to call me big bro, even though you guys are a year older than me. We used to hang out all the time and talk, just talk. about almost everything under the sun. School, past flings, new flings, etc. I couldn't tell you that I liked you more than i would like just as a friend because that would ruin everything for us. I also couldn't tell you how devastated I was when you decided to go out with my friend. And yet, neither could I hide the evil exhaliration I felt when you broke up with him. I miss you Ade, for the way you made me feel like I was a part of your life. Now you are somewhere where I am not, and save for the occasional friendster hello, we hardly talk anymore.


    Alm, your sister was the first one I really loved. I wouldn't deny that. You yourself is the exact opposite of her. While she is introverted and prefers to just while away the hours reading John Grisham, you like nothing more than hanging out at the local bar and chugging Red Horse (At 2 in the afternoon!) Over time, I grew to love you as well. Although we never really took that final step, I am still grateful for everything. Those nights when you'd call me at 10 in the evening and asking my to drive you around town just because you're feeling lonely and wanted someone to hold you. Did you ever think that I too, was lonely during those times and needed comforting as well?


    My beloved twins, we are flung across the far corners of the world now, and I don't know if we'll ever meet face to face again. Yet part of me still hopes that someday, perhaps when we are all older, and wiser, we'd meet somewhere and share a drink or two, catch up, listen to the old songs and maybe share a laugh or two about those times.


    I miss you guys.

  5. I could hardly believe it

    When I heard the news today

    I had to come and get it straight from you

    They said you were leavin'

    Someone swept you heart away

    From the look upon your face I see it's true

    So tell me all about it, tell me 'bout the plans you're makin'

    Then tell me one thing more before I go


    Tell me how am I supposed to live without you

    Now that I've been lovin' you so long

    How am I supposed to live without you

    How am I supposed to carry on

    When all that I've been livin' for is gone


    I didn't come here for cryin'

    Didn't come here to breakdown

    It's just a dream of mine is coming to an end

    An how can I blame you

    When I built my world around

    The hope that someday we'd be so much more than friends

    And I don't wanna know the price I'm gonna pay for dreaming

    When even now it's more than I can take


    And I don't wanna face the price I'm gonna pay for dreaming

    Now that your dream has come true

  6. I could hardly believe it

    When I heard the news today

    I had to come and get it straight from you

    They said you were leavin'

    Someone swept you heart away

    From the look upon your face I see it's true

    So tell me all about it, tell me 'bout the plans you're makin'

    Then tell me one thing more before I go


    Tell me how am I supposed to live without you

    Now that I've been lovin' you so long

    How am I supposed to live without you

    How am I supposed to carry on

    When all that I've been livin' for is gone


    I didn't come here for cryin'

    Didn't come here to breakdown

    It's just a dream of mine is coming to an end

    An how can I blame you

    When I built my world around

    The hope that someday we'd be so much more than friends

    And I don't wanna know the price I'm gonna pay for dreaming

    When even now it's more than I can take


    And I don't wanna face the price I'm gonna pay for dreaming

    Now that your dream has come true


    See ya when I get there. In about 1 - 2 years, i think. :cry:

  7. this is really greatnews. may i ask if the sites are free?


    bro curious lang... who is he? or she? anong form of music nya?


    hrm.. http://www.yngwie.org/


    Basically he's a neoclassical guitarist whose style is heavily influenced by Bach, Beethoven, etc.

    At least, he was a decade ago. Haven't heard about him since then.



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