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Posts posted by tombone

  1. For me I buy Rolex because of self satisfaction and It really feel good to own one from my hard earn money. Even i seldom wear it but is really a good investment with the price going up .

  2. For me is really talking with the bank manager that were your having a account at. Let the manager do the stuff to request there card departent of issuing a pre approved card the credit limit will be based on how big your business with the bank or how good relationship with the bank manager .

    Usually if working with the family I think is the principal account holder the one to make the request after that ,the first card was issued to you then after a year or so more card will be send pre approved ,

    As long as credit standing is good the card will always be send to you pre approved by different bank and by that time just choose the best since too many card will cause billing problem and shelving it.

  3. I have earn my 1st million on my late 20 it take a long time , since most of my earning go back to investment and expansion of my business it really take year but after that is really history. Is just the decipline of one self to set the goal saving it and not using it to a lot of non sense buying. usually I set target that only 30-40% of my earning will be use and the rest to a good investment or to realty just to save it from depreciating . is just alot of hard work money don't come easy so need to have good investment.

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