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Posts posted by tombone

  1. Credit card is a tool to financial management of spending since the billing will be given once a month and all the bill info is there. Is good for emergency and budggeting. As long as proper and decipline on using a credit card it do more good than harm.

  2. I'm using a Citisec on line it take me only a day to register but i have to go to there main office in tektite to register , and the rest I use HSBC online to transfer the money to there account when I like to add more fund. My experience is still good service only there hot line is busy always but since they allocate a customer relation officer to me I can call there cellphone and ask for assitance and they do reply me asap . On broker side or stock brokerage is good for lot or big volume trading since i can some time cross trade and the broker do give tips on the trading date on what stock that i should watch out for and sometime even when to sell.

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