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In life there will always be people who will have more or less than you. ACCEPT IT. If you feel jealousy towards what they have and insecure over what they have achieved , you will lead a life full of envy and hate.
This warps you my friend and changes you from the inside. You will make it your life's mission to TEAR down those you envy, hoping that they too can experience the UNHAPPINESS you live with everyday.
You also practice ESCAPISM to the highest levels. Unable to accept your sad fate , not only do you malign those who are better than you. You try to build a fantasy world in MTC where you are EVERYTHING you ARE NOT.
You were able to do it initially but your IMAGINARY world came crashing down. But instead of regretting your mistake and LEARNING from it , you TRY and TRY again . But the community and legit GMs are now wise. But you are determined. From the war of the downvotes to the war of the alters to the war anonymous to the war of deletions. YOU and YOU alone are behind ALL of this.
Sad. And sadder even that because of your unhappiness you make it your mission to LIE , DECIEVE and MALIGN.