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    Gaming, Anime, Japanese Culture, and everything R18

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  1. Either our technology is not advanced enough, or theirs aren't. If it is to be believed that we've been visited before in the past (or our ancestors are), then the most possible explanation is the former.
  2. If I can instantly lose the extra pounds lol.
  3. At this point in time, it mostly don't matter too much. As long as she don't have STD's we're good to go. I actually don't mind an experienced woman. Just not 1000 dudes experienced, lol.
  4. Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku - Dragon Ball GT
  5. First bill that comes up is always utilities.
  6. It all started with a hand-me-down japanese ps1 and two games, Ape Escape and I believe the other one was Soul Calibur or another sword-based fighting game, both of which were in japanese. I couldn't understand any of the text, but thankfully Ape Escape had visual aids so I still finished it.
  7. Saving/loading your progress irl
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