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Holly Golightly

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    Fitness. Words. Theater. Geopolitics. And that thing between your thighs.

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  1. Putting on baby pink lingerie and being called a good girl.
  2. A guy reading a book at a coffee shop with no phone in sight
  3. Agreed. Men who dress like @rsimacourbe (on IG) are at the top of the food chain.
  4. I'm interested in learning about wines—the grape varieties, regions, tasting notes, pairings.
  5. Tony's Chocolonely. It's a Dutch company committed to Fairtrade practices, and they’re doing important work around the issue of modern-day slavery and child labor in West African cocoa farms. S&R carries the brand, though with limited selection. My personal favorite is the vegan dark almond sea salt variant (light green packaging). In Amsterdam, I think I saw roughly 20 different flavors.
  6. Me complaining about not having anyone to hang out with, yet leaving messages like this on read.
  7. if you don't make a move to finally kiss me next time we see each other, i will friendzone you so hard.
  8. I saw an ex earlier at BGC looking very tired. I don't think he saw me. He looked like a raisin.
  9. A shiny new narc supply. I cut off the last one, and the replacement is still on a learning curve.
  10. I recently went on a first date with this guy. I found him cute and fun to talk to—until, out of nowhere, he brought up his colorful sexual history. Maybe the drinks made him a bit loose-lipped, and I didn't stop him from blabbering. Neither did I flinch as he talked about the threesomes and other less savory and less vanilla experiences. When he finally asked, “What about you?” I simply smiled and replied, “We all have a past,” leaving it at that. Amateur.
  11. I was talking to this guy before the pandemic, though we went out only once (just a friendly date). When I mentioned to one of my best friends wanting to sleep with him, she literally said, "Ew." We lost touch for a while, but we recently started talking again. I hope he asks me out. If he play his cards right, I might finally sleep with him—just don’t tell my best friend. There is something about the way he conducts himself that makes me overlook the fact that he is "not conventionally handsome." He’s not rich, powerful, or even particularly funny. But he can carry a conversation, is athletic, and has a way of making me feel like the prettiest girl in the world. The chances of me falling for him are nearly zero though, but I understand why women might totally go for someone like him.
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