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Posts posted by Blxst

  1. The simplest, but not necessarily easiest, move is to improve your overall health. Research has shown that losing weight and regular exercise helps manage depressive symptoms.

    Meditation. Depression can feel like being lost, meditation can anchor and center your thoughts and emotions.

    De-stressing. Often, depression arises out of regularly experienced stress. Taking your mind off the stressful activity can help pull you back from depression.

    Talk therapy. Talk to someone that is a good listener that responds calmly and patiently. Take them out to lunch or a light activity in exchange. In talking, you might find the perspective you need to manage your depressive symptoms. In therapy, patients often find the answers themselves while the psychiatrist asks questions or responds in a way that lets the patient explore their feelings.

    Professional help. Sometimes it takes special knowledge to help us out with depression. Sometimes it takes a medical prescription.


  2. On 9/24/2003 at 2:32 AM, Guest kizmet said:

    Hi! I'm a new member here... maybe im so stressed out that's why i tried this group.. hey guys maybe you can help... what do you do when your all stressed out.. from work... house.. partner....



    Taking a "personal day" and doing an enjoyable activity, helps.

    You separate yourself from the thing causing you stress, you take your mind off it with the activity, and you keep it simple so the activity doesn't stress you out unless it's a kind of stress you enjoy, like being competitive playing basketball.

    Other suggestions are painting, hiking, sudoku, video games, movies, TV, YouTube, and exercise.


  3. On 7/7/2017 at 2:31 AM, golpidegolat said:

    I'd rather be known as someone who is kind than someone who is religious.


    As it turns out, hindi religion at tindi ng faith mo ang makapagsasabi o makapagdidikta kung isa kang mabuting tao but your actions.


    Some people only use religion as their redemption and/or excuse to sin.


    Their logic would be:


    "Gumawa ako ng masama, ipagdadasal ko para mapatawad ako at matanggap pa rin ako sa langit. For sure mapapatawad naman ako kasi nagdasal ako ngayon."


    instead of


    "Gumawa ako ng masama, hangga't maaari ay hindi ko na uulitin at hihingi ng tawad sa taong naatraso ko. Ipapakita at ipaparamdam ko na nagsisisi ako sa nagawa kong kasalanan at hangga't maaari ay babawi ako."

    Nicely put. While it's not all religious people, I think we've all met someone or know someone like this.

  4. On 7/8/2017 at 5:36 AM, sanchezZZZzz said:

    Relationship with God is better than religion

    Agree. Relationship with God is intimate and personal and cannot be taken away or labeled. Religion is a set of rules made by people long ago that are long dead, imposing rules on a society they couldn't even conceive of.

    Women have rights now. Diseases aren't evil spirits. We can communicate with people on the other side of the world.

    I respect religion, religious tradition, and religious people and their views, but I shake my head when they impose rules that were made long ago without understanding that times have changed. The Catholic church is still against the use of condoms. Wow. (Unless I missed a Pope Francis update)


  5. On 5/28/2018 at 12:36 PM, houndjock said:

    I'm agnostic. Whether there's a God or not is of no concern to me. I believe that doing good or helping others does not need a concept of reward (heaven) or punishment (hell). We can all be humane just by being so.

    Agree. Goodness is it's own reward. The peace it brings our community is a reward as well.

    We do have innate morals that can be cultivated outside of religious beliefs.

  6. On 5/28/2018 at 9:46 PM, bonkeroo said:

    The belief in ZEN

    Good exists because there's evil.

    Not sure I've attained zen, but mediation has put me in a state close to it. And I believe true prayer will takes us to a zen like state, as well.

    And vice versa. We know the darkness because of the light. But this philosophy runs the risk of turning a blind eye to evil. The contrast exists, but evil should be combatted whenever we can.

  7. On 1/3/2022 at 10:20 PM, macbolan00 said:

    On the one hand, what little about philosophy I've read is really interesting. On the other, I think philosophy, like theology, is a subject universities forgot to STOP teaching 200 years ago.

    I think it's that they forgot to update it and bring it to the modern day. There are many lessons in Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Confucius, Kant, Descartes, and their kind, but most of the classes I've taken read like history more than philosophy.

    I personally recommend that people look into Adlerean psychology, and the book "The Courage to Be disliked". You might not agree, but it's a refreshing perspective, nonetheless.

  8. On 3/4/2022 at 5:23 PM, KID FIGHTER said:



    I'm wondering why those 1st world countries, like the UK, USA, Germany, Japan, Singapore, France are ones giving so much emphasis on Philosophy? Whereas, look at this very poor country, the Philippines -- only their top schools offer Philosophy. Are you wondering why we have the most stupid voters in the world?

    Remember, the world's top technological university, MIT, is also one of the best Philosophy schools in the world. Almost half of Harvard Philo professors finished their PhD Philo (Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy) at MIT.

    We do have our own philosophies, we just didn't really make big academic deals about them. (But we should to advance the discourse. Or maybe there are classes in UP on Filipino philosophy. IDK, I didn't go to UP)

    Our high happiness index ratings despite our high poverty rates indicates a philosophy of choosing happiness even in suffering.

  9. On 5/24/2022 at 9:04 PM, macbolan00 said:

    Assuming your basic premises are correct, it simply means developed countries give emphasis to all fields of knowledge. You don't have to single out philosophy. The fact that our educational system isn't quite up to the standards of those countries doesn't prove we have the most stupid voters in the world. Think of the contingencies: If those 31 million studied philosophy, would they still have voted for b0b0ng Narcos? Weird to think about, right?

    And what's anyone's interest in just one school (MIT) having philosophy teachers who happen to have PhDs in philosophy? :rolleyes:

    It's economic freedom, IMO. Once you have enough money to escape the daily grind, you're free to ponder about life.

    The MIT thing is interesting because that school is primarily for technology. The top school for technology, in fact, so much so that other states and countries attempt to copy their culture and image by having their own institutes of technology. Perhaps the power of technology to change our lives led some professors to pursue philosophy. We have computers in our pockets that blow the computers that landed humanity on the moon out of the water. Anyone can be an influencer: learned or fool. Such power to change lives would naturally lead one to ponder, I think.

  10. On 1/31/2023 at 6:29 AM, Vikram said:

    Philosophy is lived, having a PhD in it is of no use except to make up nonsense like communism and woke things. It's better to be poor and realistic than being in pseudo philosophies the west make up and ruin the society 

    I'll make the adjustment that Philosophy is to be shared.

    Philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom, and I think the best use for wisdom is to share it rather than to keep it to ourselves.

  11. On 2/2/2023 at 11:43 PM, Edmund Dantes said:

    Money is artificial. It is important, you should try to make as much of it, but at the end of the day, it is artificial. It entertains you but it will not buy you happiness.

    I went through severe depression which nearly killed me. But this is the most important lesson I have learned through this very dark phase in my life.

    At that time, I was splurging on anything I fancied. I was spending money on expensive restaurant even though I would later threw up what I ate because my digestive system was not working properly. I bought and expensive watch which is now just sitting in my closet (I haven't used it really).

    It was then that I realized, that while money was entertaining me, the constant chest pain was still there. I could have received a vault full of cash and I would still feel that awful each morning. In fact, I would have given every cent I have if it meant for 5 minutes I did not feel the way I did.

    It took really a while for me to get out of that abyss. After this, I started trying to serve a purpose higher than myself.  I continued with my profession not so much aiming for monetary reward, but rather focusing on just giving it the best I could.

    Hey, I'm proud of you for getting out of that depression and happy for you that you're staying mentally healthy.

    Money is a conduit for exchange and we learn the pleasures of material things early in life, and that is constantly reinforced by our capitalist society and our parents stressing over money.

    Happiness comes from within, but the things without still affect us.

    You're doing great. And if you find your heart in a good place, try helping out others with any extra money you have, but save some for yourself.

    We're here for brief moments, and we still rely on our bodies to carry our hearts and minds beyond the present.

    This is a little basic, but try to get a healthy diet and exercise going. Studies show that it helps combat or manage depression.

  12. On 2/3/2023 at 7:35 PM, 491704_1622294340 said:

    Life is suffering - our desires and expectations do not conform to the reality of the world, which is in a constant state of flux, thus we experience suffering

    Yup. I can get behind that. The end of problems and suffering is death. So we should try to ease each other's suffering when we can and appreciate the times when that suffering is eased.

  13. 15 hours ago, MagikMike said:

    Bunnies ka rin bro? Super shy na sinasayaw ko ngayon :)

    A little bit. I'm more of a multi-stan, kasi. Lots of good groups and good music.

    It's a catchy song, pero hindi ko masyado bet yung Super Shy sa choreo. Kinda like "New Dance" ng XG, "Impurities" ng LE SSERAFIM, or "Dance the Night Away" ng Twice.

    I read that Korean fans think Cube/Ador is pushing Hanni as the center kasi masmaganda daw styling at parts nya compared to the other members. I think they just picked up on her star power and charisma.

    Exhibit A. Hanni cursing in English.


  14. On 11/8/2008 at 12:04 AM, k_i_n_g_s_8_1 said:

    diesel for me

    mas mura maintenance every 5000 km

    mura din parts


    On 11/14/2008 at 3:31 AM, noyzky7 said:


    Bro I disagree.... When it come to maintenance it is true.. but diesel car spare parts is more expensive


    than gasoline car.. :rolleyes:



    Personally, I haven't been able to compare since the Philippines has a bit of a line drawn that diesel for SUVs and gasoline for sedans and coupes.

    I've been a passenger in a gasoline SUV, but it's always different when you're the driver and you give it more than a single go.

    That said. Diesel for SUVs and gasoline for coupes and hatchbacks.

  15. On 1/15/2007 at 6:00 PM, Sakristan_Mayor said:

    Like most of us, I have driven both. The austin 7 and the morris minor revolutionized the industry by introducing front wheel drive and an east-west engine. Most modern compacts and medium sized cars are based on the same lay-out. Most high performance cars have their drive at the rear. Sans driver aides such as BMW's DSC, Porche's PASM, electronic brake distribution and the likes, which layout makes a better driver's car?

    It depends on what the intended performance is, but the industry seems to favor rear wheel drive.

    In my limited experience mostly driving rear wheel drive cars, front wheel drive seems more nimble and responsive to turning, but rear wheel drives seem to be packed with more powerful engines.

    Front wheel saves on weight and power efficiency since there's no drive shaft adding weight and losing power as energy is transferred to the rear wheels.

    So it should be the winner in terms of power and performance, but I can't say definitively.

    I have never compared similar cars with different drives, so I can't say that one has definitively better performance. However, you do notice that front wheel drive is more common for more affordable vehicles.

    If we're taking the car industry as having tested the performance, I guess we can assume that rear wheel drive beats fron wheel due to market saturation.

    I'll take either as long as the car drives well, like a 6-speed Civic.

    But if you're gonna drift and do donuts, it needs to be rear wheel.

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