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    * Eating delicious food
    * Caffeine coursing through my veins
    * Catching the latest flicks at the movies
    * DATY
    * Cardio sessions
    * Living the simple, sweet life

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  1. Great to see that coffee can always be a reliable way to brighten one's day.
  2. Start saving young, be responsible with your money, and convince parents to invest in bitcoin lol
  3. Wala si regular, oh well. Off to the sauna i go.
  4. Glad to see im not the only one not wanting to go back to work yet lol
  5. Oof ayun lng. One of the most important rules for beginners. Wag mainlove.
  6. Only a couple more days and it's off to work again hayss
  7. Had a great time at GL today, next visit would probably be next year hehe. Happy Holidays talaga~
  8. Nice~ If only i invested earlier lol. Happy Holidays~
  9. Just one more week of work then i can finally relax
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