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Everything posted by AvocadoStreet

  1. Seven by JK really hypes me up during workout
  2. Yes, especially if you've lived with your friends for most of your college days as all of us stayed in the same univ dorms. Unfortunately I need to catch up with Suzy, hopefully in next week's long break 🤞
  3. Playing playstation games with college friends and reminiscing the good ol' days
  4. Video of our two cats at home playing with each other, sent by my sibling 😸
  5. Five dogs here in Manila (3 shih tzus and 2 Lab-chow). 2 cats in the province 🤣
  6. Overworked and burned out. That feeling of having to face never-ending tasks in the office hayyy
  7. Learning that I will not be able to run for 2 months in order to recover my feet 🥲
  8. FL - free lancers ST - short time, usually 2 hours or less LT - long time, usually overnight @jose.pidal
  9. You can try downloading the app NowServing by SeriousMD You can search there the doctors based on specialty, hospital, and location. You can also book online and in-person consultations thru the app. Hope this helps
  10. My VL form getting signed, can't wait for the last week of October!
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