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Posts posted by Raymoney

  1. Been immersed in the Apple Ecosystem since the iPod Shuffle, iPod Nano, iPod Touch, then eventually the iPhone 5 (I believe this was sometime 2012/2013) and never looked back since. Though I encountered some hardware problems here and there, overall being an Apple user just fits my daily routine. I tried using Android for a while and I ended up being confused and uncomfortable.

    History: iPhone 5, iPhone 6s, iPhone 8, iPhone X, iPhone 13.

  2. I love MTC because I learned so much from my short stay here. Met some very nice people along the way as well. Also, this is kind of a new "escape" this pandemic. Lots and lots of helpful information here in MTC and I hope it could go back to its glory days with better content, and better interactions too.

  3. Grew up playing (and loving) lots of combat/fight games. So being a big wrestling fan growing up, I'd say the best game is Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain (2003)!

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