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rant continued - technology and expensive camera equipment and accessories would not make you a good photographer - only a good artistic eye will make you one. Consider Ansel Adams. A group of photography buffs (read: nut cases) used historical and climatological data for the past 50 or so years to get the same conditions (time of day, cloud positions, sun position etc) as when Ansel Adams took those evocative photos and went to the same locations and took the same photos. The photos they took were brilliant dupicates of the originals, but they were sadly missing the same feel and character of the original photos.


What most people do not realize is the care and technical skill that Ansel Adams brought to ALL his photgraphic decisons - from the obvious art of his composition, to the unseen and underappreciated skill with which he chose film, filters, chemicals, processing techniques, paper, and toner to achieve the images he visualized.


Now back to wine! If those nut cases spent their time sipping the best California wines instead of pouring ver arcane atmospheric data, then their time would not have been sadly wasted.


The same is true for winemakers - it is easy to crush some grapes, add some yeast and allow nature to take its course. But that makes winemaking is an art are the choices that are made at each step of the way, from the grapse that are chosen from the harvest, to the techniques used in vification, to the choices of the barrels - all is NOT obvious, but certainly ALL contribute to the tsate and experience of the wine.


Those nut cases would most likely try to duplicate a Rubicon by picking grapes of substantially the same "quality" (how do you judge that anyway?) to the yeast that is used and barrels. But I would dare say that they would end up "wine by the numbers", or as one friend puts it - "better living through chemistry!".

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padalhan na lang kita ng wine na sinerve doon sa party , storm. tutal lasang cough syrup naman yun, eh- bagay sa ubo mo. :P


Bawal din daw ang cough syrup, lozenges and mint because they relaxes the throat and esophagus. Kaya I forsee in the future --- Kremil-S para sa makating lalamunan at tuyong ubo!!!! :lol: :boo:

Edited by storm
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Bawal din daw ang cough syrup, lozenges and mint because they relaxes the throat and esophagus. Kaya I forsee in the future --- Kremil-S para sa makating lalamunan at tuyong ubo!!!! :lol: :boo:


Pareng Storm, get well soon so we can have EBs! Dumadami na tayo dito

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Hi guys.


Just got back from a week-long slog in Singapore. While tramping around Funan IT Mall when I could 'escape' from meetings, I found this bistro at the second floor called Cafe Amigo. They had a nice wine cellar and picked-up a few botts of my old reliable Brunello. But I also found this:




I recognized leather and truffle bouquets--a nice companion to the rare side of a prime rib carving. I have read reviews about this wine being a hit or miss. Some say it doesn't travel well, others say that it is sensitive to mishandling (which in my book means the same thing). I had two bottles opened. We consumed the second but unfortunately had to send back the first one because it was obviously corked and the bistro owner agreed with us. Normally, this being Singapore, they would try for a debate of sorts but things were so obvious. She used it to quickly whip up a red wine gravy for the prime rib.

Edited by boomouse
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I went to my ENT doctor because of my chronic dry cough. And the culprit is acid reflux! Asar, asar... daming bawal. Bawal na ang spicy food, tomato, oily food, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks and alcoholic beverages --- siempre kasali ang wine. Nabawasan ang cough ko, masama naman ang loob ko.


I suspect your doctor was a cowboy in his former life. He used the shotgun approach on you. Acid reflux, ok. I'm no doctor, but you can use some sort of scientific method. Eliminate the variables one at a time until you come to the exact culprit. Here then is the order with which you eliminate the variables - number one being the first thing you would avoid, number two the second, and so on...


1. Spicy food

2. Tomato

3. Oily foods

4. Coffee

5. Tea

6. Carbonated drinks

7. Wine


Pare I'm sure before you reach number seven tanggal na yang ubo mo and therefore we shall continue on our merry EB's!



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The same is true for winemakers - it is easy to crush some grapes, add some yeast and allow nature to take its course. But that makes winemaking is an art are the choices that are made at each step of the way, from the grapse that are chosen from the harvest, to the techniques used in vification, to the choices of the barrels - all is NOT obvious, but certainly ALL contribute to the tsate and experience of the wine.


Those nut cases would most likely try to duplicate a Rubicon by picking grapes of substantially the same "quality" (how do you judge that anyway?) to the yeast that is used and barrels. But I would dare say that they would end up "wine by the numbers", or as one friend puts it - "better living through chemistry!".


very true!

I used to see these how-to books that included How to Make Wine, or Winemaking Made Easy.

I always knew these were dubious, because I don't see how you can, as you say, make wine by the numbers. Wala namang recipe actually in making wine.

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I suspect your doctor was a cowboy in his former life. He used the shotgun approach on you. Acid reflux, ok. I'm no doctor, but you can use some sort of scientific method. Eliminate the variables one at a time until you come to the exact culprit. Here then is the order with which you eliminate the variables - number one being the first thing you would avoid, number two the second, and so on...


1. Spicy food

2. Tomato

3. Oily foods

4. Coffee

5. Tea

6. Carbonated drinks

7. Wine


Pare I'm sure before you reach number seven tanggal na yang ubo mo and therefore we shall continue on our merry EB's!




Natanggal na pre kaya I'm reintroducing them 1 by 1 but in moderation. O ano eb na?


will this include free tickets to Hongkong, pare?

good luck on your show!


Para sa kin lang daw pre. :(


Thanks pare!

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