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My brother is planning to close his business due to some reasons, what are the necessary steps to do, presently he has some obligations to PLDT (advertisement) and others, but he cannot pay it now, but hopefully on a staggered. What should he do?

is your brother's business a corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship?

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pre tanong ko lang saan sa manila pinaka mura mag assemble pc na malinis at walang fake parts... meron daw kasing labas ang asus na fake gawa china na naka kalat sa manila o pinas...salamat!!



Try this.. :)



4th Floor, Bldg. B

SM Megamall, Mandaluyong City

Tel: 683-0532 to 33

Office Hours: 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM Mon-Sun

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Magandang gabi mga tsong. May newly-approved guidelines na rin with regard to pre-trial and modes of discovery. Guidelines sya for the court in handling the said matters. Syempre, it will affect lawyers. Nabrowse ko lang yung copy kanina, di ko nabasa ng lubusan, dami kasi work eh.

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you can shoot your Qs here kapatid...


we'll try to answe them. ;)

my wife went to u.s. 3 yrs ago with a valid 10 yr multiple tourist visa and she stayed there for 2 weeks to visit some relatives. when she came back, we tried applying for a visa thru drop box procedure which includes me and my 5 yr old son. however, we were scheduled for an interview a few months later. at the time of the interview, we only have a little over 200 thou in our bank account and i thought this was not enough. so i went to some people who are making bank accounts and sure enough, they added a few thousand pesos in our bank account.


during the interview, the consul only asked for the bank account. he chcked the bank and found out that there was misrepresentation on our part. (fraud) he cancelled(without prejudice) my wife's tourist visa and denied me and my son.


now this is our situation, my wife is also a nurse and she was sponsored by a hospital for E-3 visa ( employment based immigrant visa) which includes the whole family. we have an upcoming interview next month. will our previous problem be brought up during our immigrant visa interview and will this somehow affect our application for immigrant visa eventhough our previous problem was due to our tourist visa? thanks for the advice guys!

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Sir, sole proprietor, thanks sa reply please advise.

Your brother should apply for cancellation of his single proprietorship at the DTI. Application forms are available at the DTI.


He must also submit an affidavit of cancellation of the registered business name stating the reasons and that he has has no outstanding creditors at the time of closure of establishment or if there where creditor(s), copy of notice to them.


He must also submit the original copies of the business name certificate or in alternative, an affidavit of loss.

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Guest templar
will our previous problem be brought up during our immigrant visa interview and will this somehow affect our application for immigrant visa eventhough our previous problem was due to our tourist visa? thanks for the advice guys!

Yes, most certainly your prior tourist visa application will come up as soon as your name is punched into their computer ...... and, yes, it will likely affect your present visa application... the granting of entry visas into any country is a privilege (i.e. discretionary), not a right (except for humanitarian, diplomatic and/or exceptional reasons), bestowed by the host country (US) upon the visiting applicant ..... but who knows? .... luck may favor you!


A friend of mine had a similar experience .... got a tourist visa way back in the early 80s, became an undocumented worker and overstayed in the US .... good thing he went home before the INS found out about him. Late 90s, he was directly recruited by a multinational so he applied for a sponsored working visa. When interviewed, his old record came up and his visa application was denied. It took a letter from a DFA official and the EVP of the multinational company to the US consul in the Philippines to finally convince them to grant him that visa. He's been in the US since then.... ;)



Edited by templar666
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mga sirs,


i have a few questions...


kasi i've this friend, she says she got married underaged, that is below 18, somehow the other party got somebody they know at the local registrar and had her age changed in the marriage license. Now this so called union went kaputt...went their separate ways.


I told her, the marriage is null and void because, she was "menor de edad", now im not a legal eagle, but please confirm if im correct, and what are the implications with the children because of this?




Edited by roxysnonie
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