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being thankful for 2006...



another christmas just passed and in a few days, we're moving to another year.amidst all the funfare and the partying this christmas season, there's a part of me that prefers to be silent. nope, not the negative silence but instead, it's the opposite. it's a thankful, calming and tranquil silence.


the past two years has been the banner years in my life. my faith has grew leaps and bounds and God's blessings is just bountiful. there has been pitfalls here and there but over-all, the good things that happened outweighs the bad experiences. truly, i feel so blessed and i feel that asking for more will be a sin already.


as we're moving on to another day after christmas and another year in a few days time, i just want to say thank you, lord! thank you for all the blessings... thank you for all the trials and the learnings that went with it.... thank you for your best gift this year... thank you for loving me the way you do....


i just simply bring back the blessing and the glory to you, My Lord!


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thank you for a productive and fruitful 2006.

your blessings are infinite and your love is greater than anything.


thank you even for the pitfalls.

it has thought me to be stronger and to hold on to you more.


thank you for my family and love ones,

the main reason why i work so hard.


thank you for my super friends.

they are the extension of my family.


thank you for all the opportunities that came my way

regardless whether it turned out great or just the usual.

every chance and challenge has thought me something.


thank you for my greatest blessing for the year.

that person may not know it but he remains to be the

greatest miracle in my life in 2006.



i look forward to an even better year for 2007.

i may not know what lies ahead but my faith tells me

i am ready to weather anything through your grace.



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thanks for finding out this year what is important and what is not..


what's important to me from now on:


- good health and not vanity

- family and not good time friends

- personal and not financial success

- spirituality and not religion

- serenity and not money

- people and not possessions

- needs and not wants

- contentment and not more

- humility and not fame

- gratitude and not complaints

- giving and not receiving

- love and not lust


have a happy new year everone!

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Thank you GOD!


for all the blessings, air we breath, water we drink, food we eat, healthy and sound mind and body, financial wealth, caring and loving family, good friends that i can isolate with the bad ones and who has crab mentality! happiness, hi technology. I may not get all the things I want but I thank you God for everything because I know that you know what's best for me! Peace be with the world!

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Thank you JC, for continuously healing me, everyday....


Thank you for always being here with me and accepting me again...


Thank you for giving me another day to live...


Thank you for the people who's always there to support, listen and love me...


Thank you for hearing my prayer awhile ago, about getting an FX right away so i wont be late... :D


Thank you for helping me forgive and forget all the sad events in my life... :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

thank you for the new blessings.


thank you for my new assistant

who shows a big promise in her chosen career.


thank you for productive meetings.


thank you nice clients who understand.


thank you for the energy that sustain

all the activities i have to do.


thank you for busy skeds

that way i dont over-analyze things.


thank you for good cab drivers

and for my driver as well.


thank you for keeping me sane.

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