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thank you for people like wyette.  where the hell did you get that cute bouncing tits avatar?

Natawa ako dito ah. :boo:

I did not get it from hell po. someone did it for me daw. Just to add up to the humor I bring him, i guess.

I'm glad you like it. :)



Para di OT:


Thank you for people who knows how to appreciate you... to those who knows how to sa thank you.


Thank you very very much for your gift of HUMOR to me. For without it, I would not see smiles on my patients today. I know they felt better just smiling. :)


thank you.

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thank you for dying on the cross for us.


thank you for the time of rest and recreations.


thank you for the gift of healing.


thank you for long hours of sleep.


thank you for people i treasure most in my life.


thank you for cable tv and dvd marathons.


thank you for seafoods and veggies.


thank you for airconditioning during summertime.

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Thank you for making me strong despite the failure. For making me believe this is Your will and that There is something better in store for me in your book of life.


Thank you for loving me despite blaming you for a short period there that you have forsaken me.


Thank you for my family. Who stood by me despite my failure.


Thank you for my friends, who has not backed out on me despite the failure still.


Thank you for the last 2 days with my high school batchmates.



Thank you for everything.

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thank you for a good easter weekend.


thank you for the upgrade in the room.


thank you for bringing us all back safe and sound.


thank you for good dinner saturday nite and tonight.


thank you for de-stressing me today at podium!


thank you for slowly changing my body clock.

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thank you for an amazing vacation... i needed it..

thank you for the great places i have visited, great beaches, great islands, great foods... wow.. u have bestowed this island with so many blessings...

thank you for the gift of friendship.. though we haven't seen each other for months, heck even years still the bond is stronger than ever

thank you for the real friends you've given to me, that despite everything no explanation is necessary, no judgments, just pure understanding and acceptance.

thank you for the great family... despite all the trials they are going through, still every moment is cherished... every moment is turned into a happy moment... of peace, joy and laughter.

thank you for the safe travel

thank you for the people who keeps on believing that i can... they motivate me.

thank you for the grades that i got this term... just what i wanted :) 2 more steps before i finally realize my dreams...

all my efforts the pervious term were not wasted...

thank you so much...

thank you so much for his love, no matter how moody, irritable, mean, and weird i can be... still he is there...

thank you.

Edited by sweetpsyche
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i thank god for keeping me safe for the past 11 months, for allowing me to see the world i thought would see only in my dreams!


thank you for the patience and perserverance you gave me thru those hard and trying times!


thank you for helping me up whenever i went down, you know how often that was. that i could never have made it without.


thank you for keeping my loved ones safe and out of harms way, it gave me great comfort knowing theyre alright.


thank you for making me realize im but a small dot in your "big picture", it made me understand more of what the world is, that i could be blessed that the rest.


thank you for sunday's peace and quiet!



Edited by roxysnonie
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